Bidding Adieu to Steven, The Wine Legend

European Pork

Wine Expert Steven Spurrier at ITC Grand Central Mumbai

We were saddened to wake up to the news of this legend in the wine world, the man known most notably for the 1976 (blind tasting) Judgment of Paris. To think we had met and interviewed him in 2014; what an honour! Today, we raise our glasses to this most renowned vintner, wine merchant and writer, who was so much more than his work: a genteel man with a personality that spoke a thousand words. A family man with a deep love for his grandchildren and his dogs. A brilliant mind, who said of India upon a visit about a decade ago: "The light for wine in India is on green." It is true that in fine wine lies the start of something new, something memorable. We will always remember Steven Spurrier for the beautiful soul he was. Rest in Peace, Steven.