Cover Story
Asha At Asha's What�s Cooking In Dubai!
ASHA BHOSLE, great singer, terrific cook, has opened a fine wining and dining restaurant in Dubai called �Asha�s�. FARZANA CONTRACTOR, who was invited for the opening in December, talked to the wonderful lady about food, cooking, restaurants, music, and the other loves of her life.
Special Feature
Syedna At Saifee Masjid
Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, spiritual leader of the Dawoodi Bohra community, at 92, delivered the most amazing sermons over ten days of Moharram at the Saifee Masjid in Bombay. MARK MANUEL reports from Bohri Mohalla and the food halls where jamans were held for the community members who came from far and wide.
Special Section
A Warrior-Race Of Meat-Eaters!
IDEALLY, the caption to this picture should read �like lamb (or goat) to the slaughter�. For that is what this Kolhapur shepherd is upto. They rear lamb and goat in this princely city of Maharashtra just for the pot. Not even for the milk, that the Kolhapuri will only depend on the buffalo for.
'Tis the Season
There can be few countries in the world that do not grow bananas... and in all seasons. These are the common man�s table fruit. And they are comfort foods. Cheap, available, and extremely satisfying as well. But they lend admirably to some cuisines, to desserts, and to all kinds of exotic fusion foods. India grows several variety of this fruit. And to each community, their own...
Special Feature
Indian Cooking Without Hassle!
Food consultant and author MONISHA BHARDWAJ reveals some of the recipes from her new book, Stylish Indian in Minutes, whose preparations take minutes and which can be made with minimum fuss and bother.
Eating Out
A Middle Eastern Table For Two!
Souk, the new restaurant at the Taj Mahal Hotel in Bombay, is Turkish, Lebanese, Greek, Moroccan, a little bit of the Arabian Peninsula, and some Persian. A table by the window is recommended, says MARK MANUEL.