Mario Miranda Mario Miranda misses Bombay, but keeps himself busy in Goa with his art, entrtaining new friends, drinking feni, seeing movies on TV and enjoying the good life.

Are you missing the food, restaurants, social life of Bombay?
What I miss most about Bombay are the cocktail parties. I did miss the movie theatres initially, but now television has enough movies. Meeting people at the parties is what I miss.

What�s Goa got to offer in terms of night life?
I don�t visit the night clubs, I enjoy small, intimate parties where everyone knows everybody. These sort of gatherings have a lot of character and depth.

Have your tastes changed? Is it only Goan food you eat now?
I have always enjoyed eating Goan food. But I enjoy other cuisines as well.

What about feni?
I drink feni once a week with soda and ice. And it�s always cashewnut feni.

Are Goans naturally discerning foodies?
Goans love food, for them eating is a passion, a way of life. I don�t think there is a Goan who says he does not enjoy food.

Have you stepped into the kitchen of your ancestral home in Goa? To cook?
Not really. I don�t cook. The only thing I really know to make is tea. That�s about it.

What kind of people do you entertain in Goa? Who are your new friends?
I entertain a lot at home. There are lot of old friends and family that come over. Also, I have a lot of new friends, young people who have made Goa their home.

Why do you paint murals in restaurants and hotels?
People are always asking me why I do it. I say it is not great art, but it is great fun. I wouldn�t do it if I did not enjoy it.


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