Click here for Cover Story Cover Story
The Great Chocolate Show

If you're a chocoholic, you'd have loved to be present at the UpperCrust Fantasie Chocolate Fashion Show at the UpperCrust Show 2006. Where else would you get to see topnotch models all covered in chocolate walk the ramp wearing ensembles created by designer Lascelles Symons to Marc Robinson's choreography! The models looked absolutely delicious and had titbits of chocolate falling on the ramp for amused front rowers to pick up and taste!'

Click here for a special feature Special Feature
Spas The New Mantra For Health & Peace
Naini Setalvad, health freak and spa specialist, provides a guide to the places of holistic healing in and around Bombay. Take a rejuvenating break!

Special Section
Nupur Mahajan Sinh recommends a trip to Barbados where, living the life of the rich and the famous, one can be a deep sea diver, art aficionado, gourmand, master of an ostentatious villa, swim with turtles, laze on your private glass-bottom boat.

Gourment Destination
South Island, New Zealand
Farzana Contractor writes: It was a wonderful itinerary that was planned for me, a high end one if I might add. The season was perfect, late Spring, early Summer. Baby sheep were just born and soon the adults were going to be sheared off their merino wool. Charming sights would greet me everywhere. Quiet and solitude were my friends on this trip. I stayed at super luxury lodges, hotels and apartments, all very classy, very understated. And I indulged in my passion, driving. The roads in NZ are a dream. The scenery stunning, people welcoming. Food out of this world. Get a taste of South Island. It�s my bet your next holiday will be in and around Queenstown!

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'Tis the Season
Of Potatoes!
Rich in nutrients and with a long shelf life, potatoes are an enduring staple food. Whether you wish to create a simple home-cooked meal or boost a special occasion, they are a most versatile veggie.

Eating Out at Pure
A Taste That�s Pure And Simple
Mark Manuel goes eating out to Pure, the new organic foods restaurant at the Taj Land�s End in Bombay, where the presiding deity is the celebrated Chef Michel Nischan of New York.

Flavouring with...
Basil - The Royal Herb
Basil, that bright green, leafy plant, that is part of the mint family, and so often called �The King of Herbs� by culinary pundits.

UpperCrust Discovery
The Mistress Of Spices!
For the best blends, spices and marinades look no further than Balbina Pinto. This spice scientist believes that spices are like people, each with their own individual personality. INDIRA RODERICKS checks out her range of exotic flavours.

Eating Out...
And About With Busybee
I am invited for another wine-tasting evening. I have not yet decided whether to accept the invitation.

a woman of substance and style
�There are brands that I am partial to and Rolex would be one of them. I have a taste for certain brands of watches, or perfumes,�

the Moti Mahal Man
�It is difficult to tell them to try anything different,�

the Cheese Guy
�never ending love for food�

Amitabh Bachchan, who once tasted every kind of meat � including whale, and is now a confirmed vegetarian, talks about food, eating out, and cooking... which he can do if necessary!

is available across the country at book stores and magazine stalls near you and is being distributed by India Book House. Should you have any trouble in locating yourself a copy, please call Rozina on (22) 2041759.

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