The Lal Badshah!

Lemons are the common man’s flavouring agent and also that of celebrated master chefs. Just a dash can change a recipe, bring the taste buds out in a jig!

If there’s one fruit that never fails to awaken and refresh the taste buds, it’s the good ol’ multi-use lemon. Its juicy, yellow, acid flesh enhances almost all kinds of food. Just a twist of the ‘limbu’ in any dish is enough to bring the tang to the taste buds. Give the lime an extra twist,and the complexion of the dishmight change!

The lemon is rich in Vitamin C. Its skin contains aromatic essential oils, and a good lemon will perfume the air with its fragrance. The Vitamic C is never more apparent then in a tall, ice-cold glass of ‘nimbu-paani’.

The best thing about the lemon is that every part can be used in sweet and savoury cooking, from its juice to the zest. It is important to pick lemons that are firm and heavy. Smooth-skinned lemons are best for juicing and cooking while the knobbly-skinned varieties are easier to grate. Lemons become paler as they ripen and lose some of their flavour and juiciness, so avoid buying the light-yellow type.

If you want to grate a lemon, use the fine side of a grater, taking care to remove only the yellow zest and
avoiding the bitter white pith. Work over a bowl.This makes it easy to transfer the grated rind into a bowl or pan with the help of a pastry brush.

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