Chef Vicky Ratnani

Chef Vicky Ratnani

Celebrity Chef & Entrepreneur, Founder Speak Burgers by Vicky Ratnani

 uppercrust  farzana contractor Chef Vicky Ratnani

Monsoon for me means cooling the mind. Then of course there are hot cups of tea and a variety of soups that I love having. Also it’s a time when I get busy getting ready with new recipes. It’s R&D galore.

 I have created some recipes for UpperCrust readers using white meat, red amaranth, plums, mango, root vegetables, leaves and nuts. All very easy ingredients to acquire in the rain and work with. No running around to get fresh fish and so on.

But talking about fish, I do get a supply of fresh bombils which I love eating during this season. That and also corn – on the cob, shelled, steamed, roasted, fried, in soups, starters, corn kadi - any which way.

When it's pouring outside, I am very tempted to just open the door and walk out! And I often do, I love walking in the rain. With or without a rain jacket!

But when indoors, I read a book, watch some movies or cook up a storm while watching the rain.

But the place I truly enjoy the monsoons is when I am in my house in Goa. It’s really quiet there, everything around is green and lush. Offers the perfect opportunity to introspect, lots of time to think, chill and walk in the rain without getting disturbed.