Page 199 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 199


                                             The Mehrotras

                                              A very together couple, both foodies, artist Jaideep and
                                              wife, Seema, exude warmth and love with earthiness,
                                              goodness and joyfulness. A peek into their lifestyle

                                             Text & Photographs: Farzana Contractor
                                             Location: Olive, Bombay

                                             You were a child prodigy, holding your   Including using crazy tools…
                                             first solo painting exhibition at just 12…  SM: You have to check his studio. He has
                                             JM: Nothing of the sort, just that my   a wall which is stuck with all kinds of tools
                                             mother recognised my potential and   and gadgets that he picks up from all over
                                             encouraged me.                      the world. Including drills and cutters and
                                             SM: As usual. Jai is being modest. Oh   electric saws. He is nuts over tools!
                                             yes, he was a little prodigy, painting with   JM: I do have an engineering mind.
                                             watercolours even when he was three!  During the COVID period, I was very
                                             JM: Well, I did like to draw and paint,   helpful around the house. The handyman
                                             use crayons and watercolours as a child   who turned into a plumber, carpenter and
                                             but  what I really  wanted was  oil paints   electrician!
                                             and nobody was giving that to me. Not
                                             at Mayo, where I was studying (because   And cook! We know about your cooking
                                             oil paints were only given to seniors), nor   prowess. When did that start?
                                             when I came home for holidays.      JM:  When  I was  about 10. I  remember
                                             SM: So for his 10th birthday, he adamantly   Rauf Ahmed who came to interview me
                                             told his mother the only gift he wanted   just before my solo exhibition, writing,
                                             was oil paints! And he got it.      “His sisters say he also loves to cook and
                                             JM: I can’t ever forget that day when I was   that they try to eat whatever he does cook!”
                                             at Himalaya (the art store at VT) and I   SM: I can vouch for it, that he is a great
                                             bought my first few tubes of oil paint, a   cook.  So  will  my  daughters,  who  can’t
                                             palette, a knife, a couple of brushes and a   have enough of their dad’s cooking.
                                             bottle of turpentine oil. I went home and
                                             painted a bird. I still have it.    Really! And what is it about cooking
                                                                                 that really drives you.
                                             And from then on you’ve been painting.  JM: Firstly, after a whole day at my studio
                                             JM: Yes, vigorously, passionately, joyfully.  when I get into the kitchen, I immediately
                                                                                 relax. I love the synergy between cooking
                                             Successfully, if we may add. And you   and painting. Be it the colours, the
                                             never went to any art school?       balance, the visual treat, the sense of
                                             JM: No, I did not. But once my art teachers   outcome that one beholds, the joy that
                                             at Mayo saw what I was doing they helped   flows. And the feeling that I am cooking
                                             and guided me enormously.           for my family...Believe me, few emotions
                                                                                 have a parallel to that.
                                             You are very creative in your usage of
                                             different materials.                Do you know where it all started?
                                             JM: That’s true. I indulge in all kinds of   SM: This cooking experience occurred in
                                             art forms and mediums. Different methods   Dubai, in the ‘70s, where Jai was working
                                             and techniques that come to me naturally.   at a printing press.

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