Page 200 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 200


                                                                                 many speciality restaurants. Like Japanese,
                                                                                 Vietnamese, Thai, since both Seema and
                                                                                 I are Far East fans. When buying exotic
                                                                                 ingredients, right here in Bombay became
                                                                                 a reality, thanks to your Show, we cooked
                                                                                 Oriental food. Now we also like to cook
                                                                                 and eat Italian and other Med food.
                                                                                 SM: What Jai is extremely good at is mixing
                                                                                 cocktails. It’s about the artist and colours,
                                                                                 right? He seems to find the right balance
                                                                                 between colour, taste and flavour. Guests at
                                                                                 home simply love his flavoured gins.

                                                                                 Any favourite restaurants?
                                                                                 SM: Surprisingly, not many. We don’t go
                                                                                 out that often, any more. But we do enjoy
                                                                                 eating at Swati, Soam, Royal China, Izumi,
                                                                                 Seefah, Ode, Americano.

                                                                                 What about travel?
                                                                                 JM: We are total travellers. One overseas,
                                                                                 one in India every year is a must. We
                                                                                 love going to Japan and Europe. Where
                                                                                 our starting point is usually Paris. Seema,
                                                                                 having studied there, is fluent in French.
                                                                                 SM: In India, we travel in a group of
                                                                                 20, over Christmas and New Year. It’s
                                                                                 a wonderful group we have of some
                                                                                 friends and their children. It started as a
                                                                                 holiday for our children to bond. Now
                                                                                 our children have grown but the holidays
           That’s something nobody knows about!  shopping for all our cooking and dining   continue. Rajasthan, Kerala, Orissa,
           JM: An important phase of my life, for   needs.  Wherever  in  the  world  I  am.     Hampi, Mangalore…
           sure. I was single, working and feeding   I will look for a good kitchen shop and
           myself! I ran this traditional letter   a good hardware shop! It doesn’t stop at   Seema, you don’t cook, do you?
           press for four years, when Dubai was   just  things  though.  Ingredients  are  also     SM:  I  do!  Sometimes.  I  am  good  with
           nowhere near what it is today. Learned   my weakness.                 Sindhi food. But long ago, when the
           about typesetting, proofing, inking,                                  babies  had come  along,  I  carefully  and
           plate-making, art-works and designing,   Don’t we know it! The UpperCrust Show   sensibly  allowed  Jai  to  take  over.  My
           photography, the works. The experience   should give you both a prize for being   encouragement worked and today we get
           actually helped me immensely in executing   its biggest shoppers!     to eat the best food right here at home!
           my work as an artist.              JM: Believe me, we love your Show! Not
                                              only do we shop, we study the  Show   That’s clever! By the way, when did you
           How interesting. And all this has   meticulously. We stop at every booth, we   two marry? Who made the first moves?
           come through so beautifully in all that   discuss things in detail with the exhibitors.   JM: I did! Way back in 1988 when Brinda
           you do.                            It’s such a learning curve. The previous   Miller introduced us at the French Jazz
           SM: Which also includes buying stuff for   year, we really got to know Chef Nooror   Yatra. I couldn’t stop staring at her. I just
           the kitchen; pots, pans, skillets, crystal,   of Blue Elephant. Great products.  knew I would marry this woman. I chased
           cutlery, the works. Jai is really particular                          her relentlessly, we got married in 1989!
           about the table and tableware. He has such   What do you like to cook?  SM: I have to admit, I enjoyed his wooing
           a keen eye.                        JM:  Formerly  it  was  what  we  couldn’t   and am glad we hitched up. Jai is perfect.
           JM: Yes, must admit  I really  enjoy   find in our restaurants, when there weren’t   As a man and a human being.

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