Page 44 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 44


           Dahi Baingan for you                Kurkure Bhindi with aloo

                                              quite click. Says Amrita, “I had a checklist   and organising many events in India related
           Laddoos served royally
                                              in my mind regarding how my in-laws had   to football, cricket, cycling. But he has given
                                              to be. And though they were so good, so   it all up now, (saying he has had enough of
                                              cultured, I found myself hesitating. I got cold   living out of a suitcase), to concentrate on
                                              feet, I think.”                    his family business, which is related to the
                                                 Understandably Rahuls’s ego was hurt   chemical industry.
                                              more than a bit. Here he was, a khandani boy,   When asked what describes him best, he
                                              with royalty links, (his mum is associated   humorously says, “Amrita’s husband!” And
                                              with the Baroda royalty) Mayo College and   then goes on to let me know, in two words
                                              Oxford Brookes, educated MBA guy, so cool,   what drove him nuts about her and why he
                                              so  well-spoken,  being  rejected…  Already   chose to marry her. “Her smile.” Rahul is of
                                              attracted to Amrita, he decided to woo, not   the opinion that anyone who has her kind of
                                              the future bride, but the future ma-in-law!   infectious smile has to have a super heart and
                                              He called her and invited himself over for   a great nature. “Amrita is all that and more.
                                              a ‘cuppa tea’. He met her not once but four   But I must tell you a funny anecdote. You
                                              times!                             know when I was proposing to her, I told
                                                 By  now  Amrita’s  ma  was  quite  fond   her, ‘I may not be able to buy you the biggest
           and  Time  Bomb  9/11 and movies such as   of Rahul and told Amrita in no uncertain   diamonds in the world or the most expensive
           Ready with Salman Khan, Baat Ban Gayi with   terms that she must decide soon, meaning   cars or the largest of mansions, or take you on
           Gulshan Grover and Ali Fazal and Subhash   she should say yes! So, once again Amrita   ridiculous holidays or…’ she interrupted me
           Ghai’s Baaghi.                     found herself in Rahul’s company, this time   and asked, ‘ … Really, so what can I expect?’
             In between all this, given Amrita’s love   at Bombay Gym where she met his friends   and  I  smiled  and  continued…  ‘But  I  do
           for cooking, she also managed to convert the   from Mayo and had an immensely good time.   promise you a lifetime of laughter!’” Aww...
           living room of her mother’s apartment into   She found she liked Rahul and his friends.   that’s so sweet I said to him and asked if
           a studio, where she would cook and shoot   Later, the same day, they landed up at the US   Amrita was floored by that. He laughs, “Yes!
           videos to her heart’s desire. This was in 2019.  Club, where, guess what, he proposed to her!  But I did manage to throw in memorable
             However, the phase I found most     The marriage was a whirlwind affair.   holidays and she does have my mum’s lovely
           fascinating was when the time for marriage   They were wed, within months, bang in the   old jewellery!” And she laughs a lot!
           came  along.  “Believe  it  or  not,  it  was  an   middle of the wettest of monsoons. Been 23   Rahul proved to be a good husband
           ‘arranged’ marriage,” she confesses. It was   years since but it has never rained in their lives   too. Broadminded and confident as he was,
           Veena Malhotra, a Bombay society hostess   again! Touch wood.         Rahul was fine with Amrita continuing with
           who saw Amrita at a party and got the two   Rahul Raichand is a seriously happy   her modelling career, which she did many
           respected mums together. Subsequently   man. A sports enthusiast, who has played   years  after.  But  she  voluntarily  gave  it  up
           Amrita and Rahul met, in the winter of 2002,   professional football, been a rugby champ,   once her son Agastya was born in 2007.
           and went out to lunch at Gaylord, but it didn’t   Rahul has been responsible in conceptualising   However, her other passion, cooking, which

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