Page 47 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 47


                                                                                   At their beautifully furnished home in South
                                                                                             Bombay, overlooking the sea

                                                What turned things around for this super   to 9 a.m. She hosts on Instagram and YouTube
                            Cuppa tea, anyone?
                                             mum and super cook was when the world   various shows such as  Mummy Ka Magic,
                                             was plunged into a deep abyss called the   Thoda Aur Magic, Bites And Beyond. She has
                                             COVID. When we were all locked indoors   her own YouTube channel called Being Amrita,
                                             and the only distraction we had was food and   which presents all that she stands for and goes
                                             the room we spent the most time in was the   beyond being a chef and a model. She has
                                             kitchen. Those who had never cooked and   also signed up with an international company
                                             now had to, suddenly discovered the joy of   which puts out  Thrive, an app which has
                                             cooking. But they needed help, assistance,   different genres of people from around the
                                             and know-how… Ta daaa… enter Amrita   world  making  food.  So  with  Amrita,  it’s
                                             Raichand. She folded up her sleeves and   ‘learn to cook Indian food!’
                                             got down and dirty. Cooking away and   As for the written word, though Amrita
                                             then making amateur videos of what she   has in the past written columns such as Stay
                                             had cooked and posting them immediately.   Yummy and so on, she hasn’t got down to
                                             Guiding women and men, too, I guess, on   writing a book… Pray, why? When everyone
                                             how to cook this, that and the other. And she   these days seems to be doing just that!
                                             became a rage! People started following her   “You know,” she says with a resigned look,
                                             on Instagram, YouTube, etc. Today she has a   hunching her shoulders, “I am just not into
                                             following of over half a million and she can’t   having someone ghost-write for me, when I
                                             stop smiling.                       am ready, I will do it!”
                                                So, where is she at these days? Currently   Quite sure you will, Amrita, that will
                                             she is engaged in Mere Ghar Ka Khana,  Beyond   be  a  culmination  of your  culinary  career,
                                             The Plate, on Radio One, every Monday, 8.15   prophesies UpperCrust.

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