Page 52 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 52


            People-Centric GM

                here are people in this world who   I  take  a  look  around  the  property,  after
                define your experiences, who go   breakfast service, I interact with the team
          Talong with you on your journey     for 35-40 minutes and then get on with
           and help shape your path in life. Sohaib   my day, overseeing the operations of the
           Kidwai is a people’s person without a   hotel, ensuring the quality of service is
           doubt  and knows full well the  value of   maintained.” For Chandigarh is all about
           those in his life who have, and continue   quality and his experience in both F&B
           to, make an impact. From colleagues   and Sales & Marketing gives him the edge
           to  friends,  family  and  God,  first  and   he needs to be a capable leader. He takes
           foremost, it’s been a blessed life and the   us through his journey…
           young  General Manager  doesn’t  let a   It all began as a young lad in Delhi
           day go by without acknowledging it and   where he was born and brought up and
           expressing his gratitude.          where his parents continue to live. He
             Over a telephonic conversation, we   commends them for the way they raised
           sat down with the sweet-looking GM of   him and his school,  DPS, too, for the
           the hotel that has ‘taken Chandigarh by   right  development  so  integral  to  a  kid
           storm’ since 2022, as he puts it. With his   in their formative years. The passion for
           candid smile, he reiterates, “I have been   hotel management began right after 10th
           here for a year now and the experience is   grade and after completing his degree
           amazing. For one, it is closest to home   from  IHM  Aurangabad in 2005, he set
           than I have ever been and second, it is the   off for his training with the Marriott
           flagship Centric hotel of the Hyatt Group   Group. A nascent hotel chain in India
           in India. It has literally taken Chandigarh   at that time, Sohaib was part of the first
           by storm!” And he loves being its GM!  batch of management trainees, greenhorns
             To  lead  a  hotel  that  is  fully  booked   who have  gone on  to  do  wonders for
           most days – which is a first for Sohaib   themselves. Like Sohaib, who started off
           in his 15-20 years in the industry – to   with the fabulous JW Marriott Mumbai
           oversee restaurants like the fairly new Koyo   Juhu, the flagship hotel of the brand in
           Koyo that is packed with reservations, to   India. “Even after 19 years, if I walk into
           have people flocking from outside the city   that gorgeous lobby, I will not forget my
           as  well  –  covers  that  run  up  to  150  on   way around, through the back areas and
           Saturdays; to launch the latest trend, Le   all. The memories are still fresh. That’s the
           Petit Chef and be sold out for the entire   beauty of this industry, the experiences and
           month with payment made in advance…  the learning will stay with you wherever
           Hyatt Centric is the place to be and Sohaib   you go, forever!,” exclaims Sohaib. “You
           is pleased with his mise en scene, let’s call   cannot  pick  just  one  or  two  as  each
           it that!                           assignment is different and unique.”
             Sohaib has been across the country   His next assignment after JW was the
           with the Hyatt Group for 16 years now   Goa Marriott Resort & Spa, followed
           and thanks them for their faith in him,   by the Renaissance Mumbai Convention
           feels he’s lucky to have gained so many   Centre, where the shift from F&B to Sales   It’s been an upward and onward
           opportunities, to open such wonderful   &  Marketing was made. Sales  Manager   journey for the manager who went from
           hotels, and to be able to lead them today.   was up next at the Grand Hyatt Mumbai,   one position and (Hyatt) hotel to another,
           “It’s interesting to be the GM at this hotel,   in 2008 – that horrific year of the terror   from Bombay to Chennai to Poona, back
           with new ideas floating around and a   attacks. But Sohaib remembers his tenure   to Chennai, and then Ahmedabad where
           team that is all fired up, every day,” shares   by the famed Bombay rains, something he   the position of General Manager – Task
           Sohaib. “You just don’t realise when the   still misses; the petrichor, the hassle, the   Force awaited, during the 2020 COVID
           day starts and when it ends! Each morning,   bhajias et al.           period. Once again, Vadodara beckoned,

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