Page 54 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 54


                              An Easy-Going GM

             n the simplest of terms, Rohit Bajpai   Bada Banglas with Suresh Kumar, which   WSET Level One. “I love wine,” smiles
             is easy-going, a ghar-ka-khana guy, a   I am no longer a part of.” The hotel   Rohit, “and all things food, like Japanese
          Ifamily man and an approachable GM.   line was in his blood, a realisation that   cuisine, Indian − especially Mangalorean
           He can also bake a tarte tatin very well!   dawned upon him as a kid when his   food.” What of the vegetarian and vegan
           But cooking is not his forte, best left to   uncle who worked at the pastry shop in   food that Sheraton Grand Palace is known
           his ‘best cook in the world’ wife, Ruhi,   Taj New Delhi fed him a confection from   for, for you, a Delhi boy? “I have come
           who sends him lunch every day while he   there and he loved it. He knew this is   to enjoy the mock meat dishes here.
           carries out his day-to-day operations of   where he would end up.     Perception is reality in itself, that’s how it
           the all-vegetarian, palatial property that   Delhi is where Rohit grew up, where   is with mock meat! And running an all-veg
           is Sheraton Grand Palace Indore, famed   he visits every few months, to be with his   hotel for the first time, you realise there is
           as a wedding and staycation destination.   parents and his 15-year-old boy, Vedant,   so much to explore.”
           General Manager of the hotel for four and   who studies there while him and his wife   Exploration and discovery are gifts of
           a half years now, Rohit knows his way   work and live in Indore. He’s come a   travel which is Rohit’s favourite pastime.
           around in his sleep even, and we all know   long way since IHM when he started off   The man loves to acquaint himself with
           it’s no mean feat running a hotel!    as a hotel management trainee with ITC   the history and present of various cultures
             “On  the  contrary,  it  is  very  easy  to   Hotels in 1999 before launching into   across  the  world  and  with  the  diversity
           run  a  hotel,”  states  Rohit,  much  to  our   a professional career with the Maurya   of people. He explains, “When I was in
           surprise.  “It  is  a  business  of  common   Sheraton (now ITC Maurya) in New Delhi,   North Karnataka, I was going through
           sense, not rocket science. All the customer   followed by ITC Maratha, Mumbai, where   a betel nut forest and found a Mughlai-
           wants is courtesy, empathy, service and   he opened one of our favourite restaurants,   style dhaba there. Upon interaction with
           a quality product. That’s what we must   Peshawri, as Restaurant Manager, and then   the people, I found that the owners are
           deliver our guests, that’s my responsibility   went on to ITC Kakatiya in Hyderabad.   descendants of Ibn-Battuta, the great
           and my team will follow suit.” It’s a   Shangri-La New Delhi was another great   Islamic scholar. Hence, Mughlai food in a
           responsibility he enjoys fulfilling, a job he   brand mark in his career, he notes, pre his   betel nut forest in a Southern state!” Next
           does not consider a job but just something   Hotel & General Manager roles – first at   up, his travel itinerary involves Mexico,
           he loves. It’s been a fabulous journey since   Royal Orchid in Jaipur, then Double Tree   and then he wants to visit the tribes of
           graduating from the prestigious IHM   by Hilton Goa, followed by Radisson Blu   Belize  and get to  know all about  them.
           Mumbai in 1999, in a beautiful industry,   New Delhi before Courtyard by Marriott   That sounds fascinating, we say, and what
           that has changed so much over the years   Siliguri – the group’s easternmost hotel –   a pastime to imbibe.
           till date, he says. “5-stars have grown 500   came a-calling.            Rohit  seems  to  love  travel  as  much
           fold since the time I joined when there   One  of  the  highlights  of  his  career,   as work and the two complement each
           were  no  international  hotel  chains.  The   as F&B Head at Shangri-La New Delhi,   other  well  enough.  It’s  a  blessing  he
           landscape has changed today. You have   was starting the first wine programme of   acknowledges and is thankful for each
           tree-top to palace hotels, jungle safari   the country at a hotel, equipped with a   day.  The  tall  and  imposing  GM  is  a
           resorts, tented accommodations, luxury                                humble man and he puts it quite simply
           cruises, what have you! You get everything                            and beautifully when he says, “Nek niyat
           you want in India; which is why the    “Running a hotel is a          manzil aasaan.” When your intentions
           industry is booming again. Personnel are   business of common         are  pure, you  are  never  far  from  your
           seeking travel and tourism as a profession                            destination… words his grandfather
           more and more.”                      sense, not rocket science.       instilled in him, pearls of wisdom, life
             Along with the industry, Rohit has   All the customer wants         truths  he will always carry with him
           grown, too. “You know, I even opened                                  wherever he goes. Works doesn’t it?
           a hotel in Hampi, for the Royal Orchid   is courtesy, empathy,           Keep your heart pure and your path
           Hotels, a group that I worked with for   service and a quality        will reveal itself to take you to where you
           two years, in Bangalore and in Jaipur.                                are destined to be. Would make the world
           I  also  revived  the iconic Geoffrey’s  bar   product.”              a peaceful one to live in and our lives
           in Bangalore. I had taken a creative                                  peaceful ones to lead, as Rohit Bajpai
           entrepreneurial break as well, establishing                           knows all too well.

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