Page 134 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 134


            Whole red tomatoes                                                    Sliced onion

                                                               Chopped spring onion  Chopped onion

           bombils at this stage, nice and crispy, make   with browning the onions. There may be   In addition to bombils, I also cooked
           a perfect snack. Often, bars in Goa serve   variations to different recipes but by and   up some sukha jhinga which is called
           them with drinks. The prestigious Royal   large all will require copious amounts of   kardi.  These  are  tiny  dried  shrimps.  I
           Bombay Yacht Club serves a precious few   sliced onions. The two family recipes of   developed a taste for this dish when I first
           pieces of this plain fried bombil along with   mine that I made for you, dear reader, we   went to Goa where they call it sukem. It’s
           their famous Parsi mutton dhansak in their   call,  Bombil Pyaaz ki  Chutney and  Hare   delicious. Just sprinkle it generously on
           charming dining hall. Most Parsis love   Pyaaz ki Bombil. One calls for the regular   steaming hot rice, crush some  papadum
           bombils which they call bombla!    onion and the other fresh green spring   on it and wallop it with two or three
             Once  you  have  reached  this  point,   onions. We use tomatoes in the former   different pickles on the side. Or a rasam.
           where the  bombil looks nice and crispy,   and kokum in the latter. But both will have   And some solkadi.
           the  cooking gets  easy.  You have  to  then   lots of chopped coriander and kadi patta,   This is the ultimate rain food for me.
           just add the other ingredients starting   for sure.                   Dal Chawal Bombil Kardi!

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