Page 191 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 191


             Safed Chicken

             Ingredients                       When ready to make, heat oil in a   needed.
             • 2 whole chickens, cut into 16 pcs,   heavy-bottomed pan over medium   Once the chicken is halfway cooked,
             washed thoroughly                 heat.                            add the prepared paste to the pan.
             • 2-3 tsbp oil                    Add all the whole spices and sauté   Mix well and cook for a few minutes.
             • 4-5 star anise                  for a few seconds till fragrant.  Season with salt and white pepper.
             • 8-10 cloves                     Add the onion paste to the pan and   Lower the heat and cover the pan.
             • 2 cinnamon sticks               cook, stirring constantly on low flame   Cook the chicken until it is tender
             • 4 onions, made into a paste     till golden brown.               and cooked through, stirring
             • 4 tbsp ginger-garlic paste      Then add the remaining ginger-garlic   occasionally. Be careful as the paste
             • 4 tbsp each magaz (melon seeds)   paste and sauté till its raw smell   starts sticking to the pan easily, so
             & khus khus (poppy seeds), soaked   disappears.                    keep stirring at occasional intervals;
             together in warm water for 10     Now add the marinated chicken to   however, do this carefully as you
             minutes.                          the pan. Cook on high heat for 2-3   don’t want to break the pieces of
             • salt to taste                   minutes to seal in the juices of the   chicken.
             • white pepper powder to taste    chicken.                         Once the chicken is cooked, transfer
             Method                            Meantime, in a blender, make a   to a serving bowl and garnish with
             Marinate the chicken with some salt,   smooth paste of the soaked poppy   freshly chopped coriander leaves.
             white pepper and 1 tbsp of ginger-  & melon seeds along with the water   Enjoy your delicious Safed Chicken!
             garlic paste, ideally the night before.   it is soaked in. Add more water if

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