Page 37 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 37


                                                                        5th Element

                                                                        • 3 boiled eggs • 1 tsp Mascarpone cheese
                                                                        • 100 g butter • 80 g heavy cream
                                                                        • 6 yolks • 120 ml oil • a pinch of pepper
                                                                        • salt to taste • kadaif noodles

                                                                        For the foam, deep-fry the eggs in oil and then
                                                                        add them in a food processor. Mix the eggs
                                                                        with the oil, cream, salt and pepper. Lastly add
                                                                        the Mascarpone cheese and mix well.
                                                                        For the nest, deep-fry kadaif noodles at 200° C.
                                                                        For the fried yolk, separate the egg yolk from
                                                                        egg white and keep it in semolina for 3 hours.
                                                                        Then shallow-fry it gently.
                                                                        Arrange as shown in the image.


             Ingredients                      water to a gentle simmer.         Serve
             • 2 eggs • 300 ml dashi          Place the cups in the steamer and   Garnish each chawanmushi with a
             • 10 ml soy sauce • 10 ml mirin  steam on low heat for about 15-20   blanched slice of carrot, bok choy,
             • 5 g salt                       minutes, or until the custard is set.   shrimp, shiitake and enoki.
             Garnish                          To check, insert a toothpick into   Serve hot as an appetiser or a light
             blanched slice of carrot, bok choy,   the centre; if it comes out clean, the   main course.
             shrimp, shiitake and enoki       custard is ready.

             Prepare the egg mixture.
             In a bowl, lightly beat the eggs
             without creating too many bubbles.
             Add dashi, soy sauce, mirin and salt
             to the beaten eggs. Mix gently until
             Strain the egg mixture through a
             fine sieve to remove any lumps or
             air bubbles. This ensures a smooth
             texture. Pour the strained egg mixture
             over the fillings in each cup, filling
             about 3/4 full.
             To steam the chawanmushi, cover
             each cup with aluminum foil to
             prevent water from dripping into the
             Prepare a steamer and bring the

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