Page 32 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
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           especially for those whose daily lives   at. It is being pointed out that in the days   up or scrambled eggs is some olive oil or
           depend upon them. If an apple a day keeps   of our grandfathers  and  grandmothers,   better still, home-made ghee, salt, pepper,
           the doctor away, so can an egg!    it was perfectly alright if your cholesterol   milk.  Then  if  you  go  further  and  feel
             One  large boiled egg offers  you  78   level  tipped  300  or more, as against the   like  an  Indian  masala  omelette,  you  will
           calories,  6  gms protein,  found  mainly  in   current 220,  when  doctors  immediately   need onions, green chillies and coriander.
           egg white, 5 gms fat (with only 1.6 gms   prescribe tablets which in turn put you in   Tomatoes, if it’s the Parsi akoori you fancy,
           being  saturated  fat),  which  is  mostly  in   danger of multiple side effects!  add to that raisins if it’s the Navsari
           the yolk. The most important component   ‘Eggfect’ is the better effect, just   akoori. Point we are making is, from basics
           of the egg is the choline, 147 mg, which   practice  moderation.  An egg or two at a   to more complex egg  dishes, you just
           helps support memory and mood, keeping   time. Not like the famous Tata doyen, Rusi   have  to keep  adding ingredients; olives,
           the  brain healthy.  There  are  vitamins in   Modi who ate one dozen  at a time, but   salmon, capers, caviar, bacon, spinach,
           there − A, D, E, K and minerals, iron, zinc,   lived to be 96, nonetheless.  cheese, potatoes, garlic, baked beans, fresh
           phosphorus.                           So  here we  are,  in  the  thick  of  the   dill, parsley, other herbs, avocados, mayo,
             Now for those who  very fashionably   monsoon, an ideal time when UpperCrust   mustard… Bread, sourdough preferably
           eat just the egg white, we say, please don’t!   brings to you  11  egg recipes.  For those   would be the second most important
           You put an imbalance to nature. Eating the   dark, Sunday rainy mornings, which we   ingredient you need to make sure you have
           yolk actually enhances protein absorption   call, happy gloominess, when nothing can   at home, on that rainy day.
           from  the  white. Most  healthy people can   be better than  getting into  the kitchen   For your eggy pleasure we got a team
           enjoy  a  full  egg with  no  repercussions.   and cracking open some eggs and getting   of three of the most talented and wonderful
           Which  means  those  who  don’t  have   going. Eggs are something we always stock   chefs  from The  Oberoi,  Mumbai  to  use
           cholesterol issues, need not worry. Though   in our fridge, right? There is a reason why   their culinary genius in rustling up some
           we  hasten  to  add,  even  this  whole  ‘high   every fridge has those special  egg trays!   rather imaginative egg recipes. So go
           cholesterol’ issue is now  being  re-looked   All you then need, for a basic, sunny side   ahead, dive deep into the yolk of life!

           Executive Chef Gurmeet Bhamra with chefs Richard
           & Purvesh of The Oberoi, Mumbai

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