Page 31 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 31



                                             All Season Food

                                                Eggs have seen their ups and downs through the
                                              years. Eat, don’t eat − good for health, bad for health
                                              − too high in cholesterol, yolks a no-no, white's fine...
                                              We say, eggs are eggcellent, please eat them. It’s an
                                                         offering from nature, like no other

                                             Text & Photographs: Farzana Contractor

                                                   nough cannot be said about the   there  are  other  more  sophisticated  and
                                                   goodness of eggs. Not just about its   expensive eggs around, too, starting with
                                             Enutritive value but also its versatility,   caviar, but that’s merely to garnish, or
                                             its applicability, its usefulness. They work   impress!  Then  there  are  quail  eggs, for
                                             for  breakfast,  lunch  or  dinner.  Starters  or   celebratory  occasions  or when  you  can
                                             main course! The hundreds of recipes that   actually source some, or even goose, duck,
                                             exist the world over, make it an ingredient of   turkey and the exotic ostrich eggs, which
                                             far more importance than what is attributed   are  the  largest bird  eggs, weighing  400
                                             to it. Think about it, we do take the humble   gms, loaded with among other goodness,
                                             chicken egg for granted, don’t we?  the omega-3 fatty acids.
                                                As an ingredient, it is one of the most   But let’s come back to regular chicken
                                             inexpensive  foods available  to us. Costs   eggs, without  which  life  would  be  bleak,
                                             just  Rs. 6 apiece, for God’s sake! Of course   at  least  for  those  who  do  eat  eggs and

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