Page 115 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 115


                                                                                              There's an art in the pouring

           Love at first frothy sip, served in
           the tumbler placed in the dabra                                                     Iyengar's Fresh Decoction
          This delivery model will lend itself very   offer through the day, and a stainless steel   kaapi, the team introduced Decoction which
          well, to keep the kaapi hot for hours. Or   thermos (with paper sleeves) of piping   we mentioned above, which you can use as
          the  best  way  possible,  let  us  tell  you,  is   hot  kaapi will make it to you. The best   a DIY for a regular cuppa, a chilled kaapi
          to sit by the windowsill, with your latest   part is that it is made from recyclable   or a black kaapi. They’ve worked it down
          read, some soft tunes in the background   paper, no plastic! Wondering how to get   to the last detail with instructions on how
          and the patter of the rain outside, with   the flasks back to them? “We will pick   to blend the perfect cup.
          your kaapi in hand…bliss!          them up, don’t worry,” Ramesh ensures.   If you’ve travelled by the Ro Ro ferry
             All you have to do is go online and   “We also have a convenience pack, which   to Alibaug recently, the aroma of freshly
          order your kaapi, also available in chilled   contains sturdy paper cups, sugar sachets,   brewed Iyengar’s Kaapi  would  have  hit
          and black variants that work perfectly   stirrers, coasters, etc, which makes the   you first. Ramesh’s ambitions and get-go
          for  the  hot  weather  and  the  lactose-  whole experience of drinking filter coffee   attitude,  along with his decades  of direct
          intolerant, add in your location and your   neat, clean and memorable.”               marketing  acumen  – last seen  as a CMD
          time slot from the nine they have on   On the heels  of the ready-to-drink   in the field,  before  Iyengar’s – both in

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