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Private Ocean Reserve Villas

             Lastly, the recently opened Soyi is nestled   to the resort’s unwavering dedication to   the memories of your stay will linger, a
          in the heart of Bolifushi Island, which   providing an extraordinary all-encompassing   testament to the timeless elegance and
          curates Pan-Asian cuisine. Soyi promises a   experience, from its gourmet dining options   exceptional hospitality that define this
          symphony of flavours with every delectable   to its extensive range of curated activities and   extraordinary destination.
          bite, making it a standout addition to our   impeccable hospitality.
          dining options.                                                        THE OZEN COLLECTION: Expanding
                                             A Luxurious Retreat                 Horizons
          World Recognition: TripAdvisor        In conclusion, OZEN  RESERVE        In addition to OZEN  RESERVE
          Traveller’s Choice Awards 2023     BOLIFUSHI is more than just a luxury   BOLIFUSHI and Ozen Life Maadhoo in
             OZEN  RESERVE  BOLIFUSHI’s      resort; it is a destination where dreams come   the Maldives, THE OZEN COLLECTION
          commitment to excellence has not gone   to life. Whether you are sipping on a glass   is set to expand into India with the highly
          unnoticed. In 2023, the resort was named   of fine wine during a sunset tasting session,   anticipated Ozen Mansion Kolkata. The
          the best all-inclusive hotel in the world by   indulging  in a gourmet  meal paired with   brand is poised to bring its signature blend of
          the  TripAdvisor Traveller’s Choice Awards.   the perfect vintage, or simply relaxing in the   luxury and authenticity to new destinations.
          This  prestigious  accolade,  determined  by   serene  surroundings  of  your  private  villa,   These upcoming  properties  will also
          analysing a year’s worth of reviews from   every moment at this Maldivian paradise is   feature  winemaker  experiences,  continuing
          millions of travellers, highlights the resort’s   crafted to perfection.  the tradition of offering unique and enriching
          exceptional service, luxurious amenities,   For  those  seeking  a  retreat  that   programmes to guests. The expansion of THE
          and unparalleled guest experiences. OZEN   combines the best of nature, luxury, and   OZEN COLLECTION is a testament to the
          RESERVE BOLIFUSHI also placed second   culture, OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI   brand’s commitment to excellence and its vision
          in the overall Best of the Best Hotels category   offers  an  experience  that  is  truly   of creating extraordinary experiences across
          globally. This recognition is a testament   unparalleled. As you leave the island,   the globe.

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