Page 110 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
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A Blend of Tradition and Innovation  Suite, Ocean Pool Suite with slide, Earth Pool
                                                 OZEN  RESERVE  BOLIFUSHI        Reserve Sunset with two bedrooms, Ocean
                                              seamlessly blends tradition and innovation,   Pool  Reserve  Sunset  with  slide,  Earth  Pool
                                              creating an environment where cultural   Reserve Sunset with three bedrooms and one
                                              authenticity meets contemporary luxury.   ROYAL RESERVE.
                                              The resort’s architecture and design draw
                                              inspiration  from  the  Maldivian  heritage,   Curated  Experiences:  Adventure  and
                                              incorporating traditional elements such as   Wellness
                                              thatched roofs and natural materials. At the   Adventure, fitness and wellness activities
                                              same time, modern amenities and state-of-  abound  on  Bolifushi  Island.  The  state-
                                              the-art facilities ensure that every guest’s   of-the-art overwater gymnasium, semi-
                                              need is met with precision and care.  submarine adventures and complimentary
                                                 The   resort’s  commitment  to  bicycles offer a variety of ways to stay active
                                              sustainability is evident in its eco-friendly   and explore the island. The Kuda Koli
                                              practices  and  initiatives.  From  energy-  Kids’ Klub ensures that younger guests are
                                              efficient technologies to conservation   entertained with daily activities, making
                                              programmes,   OZEN     RESERVE     it  a  perfect  destination  for  families.  For
                                              BOLIFUSHI  is  dedicated  to  preserving   couples, the tranquil island resort offers
                                              the pristine beauty of its surroundings   the ideal setting for romantic vacations and
                                              while providing an unparalleled luxury   vow renewals.
           into the rich history and diverse terroirs of   experience.
           the Canary Islands, discovering the unique                            Culinary Excellence
           grape varieties that thrive in this volcanic   The Royal Reserve: Ultimate Seclusion   Dining at OZEN   RESERVE
           archipelago. These master sessions are   and Opulence                 BOLIFUSHI  is an experience in itself.
           designed for both enthusiasts and novices,   For those seeking  the  epitome of   There are six exceptional dining venues, each
           providing a comprehensive understanding   luxury, the ROYAL RESERVE at OZEN   offering unique flavours and experiences.
           of the art and science of winemaking.  RESERVE BOLIFUSHI offers an exclusive   At Vista del Mar, the all-day restaurant
                                              experience unlike any other. Located in the   by the beach, guests can enjoy relaxed meals
           Unparalleled Experiences: More Than   tranquil  southern  part  of  the  island,  this   with their family. On hot afternoons, there’s
           Just Wine                          secluded sanctuary comprises a main villa,   air-conditioned indoor seating as well. It
             While the wine programmes at OZEN   two guest villas, and a stunning pool with   has a wide variety of world cuisine with
           RESERVE BOLIFUSHI are a significant   breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean.   an extensive salad bar, live counters and a
           draw, the resort offers a myriad of other   The ROYAL RESERVE is ideal for hosting   delectable variety of desserts.
           experiences that cater  to  every  guest’s   family and friends, providing an opulent   For lunches and dinners, there are
           desire. The overwater and garden Ele|Na   space that ensures privacy and exclusivity.   plenty of speciality dining options. At
           Spa & Wellness treatment rooms provide a   Recently named The Maldives’ Leading   Saffron, guests can experience the rich
           tranquil escape where holistic treatments   Luxury Hotel Villa at the 2024  World   culinary heritage of India with authentic
           rejuvenate  the body  and  mind.  Expert   Travel  Awards,  the  ROYAL  RESERVE   dishes prepared using aromatic spices and
           therapists use a blend of traditional and   reaffirms its status as a pinnacle of luxury   traditional methods.
           contemporary techniques, coupled with   and hospitality in the Maldives.   Over-water dining at Origine showcases
           natural ingredients, to deliver bespoke                               contemporary gastronomy with innovative,
           wellness experiences.              Your Oasis of Elegance             visually stunning dishes crafted from the
             For the adventurous at heart, the resort’s   The resort boasts 90 sophisticated and   finest ingredients.
           extensive water sports and diving centre   standalone private villas and RESERVE,   For those craving Levantine and
           offers a gateway to the vibrant marine life of   each offering either overwater or beachfront   Moroccan cuisine,  Sangu  Beach  provides
           the Maldives. Snorkelling, scuba diving and   vistas. These villas are spread across eight   rich, aromatic flavours in a relaxed beachfront
           deep-sea fishing excursions allow guests to   categories, ensuring there is an option to   setting.  Adjacent  to Sangu Beach  is  Sangu
           explore the rich underwater world, teeming   suit every preference. Each villa flaunts a   Bar, offering a wide selection of refreshing
           with colourful coral reefs and exotic marine   private pool and direct beach or lagoon   beverages which you can enjoy with your
           species. The resort also offers personalised   access, making every stay a luxurious   toes buried in the sand. Ozar, the poolside bar,
           yacht charters, perfect for a romantic sunset   escape. Highlights include the Earth Pool   provides snacks, drinks and light fare, ideal for
           cruise or a private island picnic.  Villa Sunrise, Earth Pool Pavilion, Ocean Pool   a casual and relaxing experience.

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