Page 107 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 107


           Crafted cocktails at One Ninety    Four Seasons Hotel Singapore        Avocado Salad with Mixed Baby
                                                                                  Cress & Miso Dressing

          of a seven-dish meal, either lunch or dinner,   watering. Paper-thin casings gave way
          by appointment only. Alvin’s father dons   to the most delicious crystal cod, morel
          the apron while Alvin pours some crisp   mushroom, and truffle crystal mushroom
          reds and brings out the dishes one by one.   fillings with every bite, deftly taken  a la
          From watercress to tofu in black bean paste   my chopsticks, with a variety of sauces to
          with the whole nut included, pandan rice,   dip into – Sichuan pepper the fiery, addictive
          the tastiest of aubergine in a sweet sauce, a   one! I sipped on ginger tea through the
          rich mutton curry, spiced shrimp, deep-fried   meal  which  certainly  aided  in  digesting
          chicken, and colourful coconut milk and   the (welcome) onslaught of Cantonese on   like an art, culture and music house upon
          jelly-based dessert squares that you might   the plate.                a hill to playing mini celebrities, having my
          just not have space for!              Not a potage person as much, I skipped   photograph clicked with other riders as we
             How do you end the night at The   the Hot & Sour Soup with Shredder Chicken   queued up in our multihued army of rider
          Intan on a higher note? Request your   and did justice to the Sautéed Hong Kong   and pillion. Founded by Simon Wong, by
          favourites and Alvin will serenade, while   Kalian  with  Ginger  Sauce. The Chinese   chance,  Singapore  Sidecars  has  gone  on
          you sing along; and boy, do his fingers   broccoli was doused well in a sweetish   to win world records and earned credit
          move masterfully! Yesterday and Falling in   ginger sauce, and was crisp to the bite. A   for riding stars like Emma Raducanu and
          Love with You, with a glass of wine in hand,   stickler for good pork, really done smooth   Benedict Cumberbatch around Singapore!
          feeling the night in your bones while the   and succulent, I was pleased with the Sweet   And Simon aims proceeds of these vintage
          mind etches the moment to later become a   & Sour Pork with Fresh Figs – a combination   rides to the field of cancer research, after he
          memory…the big little joys of life!   that helped combat the Sichuan sauce for   lost his wife to the disease, at a young age.
             Just like a meal that cuts right through   sure! The duck presented itself yet again,   Such are the encounters, the people,
          the soul, a sumptuous, hearty one, with   minced and flavourful, in fried rice, before   places and cultural exchanges that make
          gentle  touches  and  subtle  service  that   a much-needed break was in the offing.   travel so special. Experiences like eating crab
          do not overwhelm. Oh, what a joy the   Thankfully, as is the case with sweets in this   with your hands in gloves, while donning a
          Cantonese meal at Four Seasons’ Jiang-Nan   part of the world, it’s not heavy, healthy   bib, chugging down Tiger beer, acing the
          Chun was! Seated in the PDR of the neatly-  actually, and perfect to bring up the rear,   Metro like a local, posing by Clarke Quay,
          done restaurant, warm, both in its interiors   such a heavy one at that! Chilled Aloe Vera   the historical riverside spot with live bands
          and its service, with the effervescent hotel   with Lemongrass Jelly ended my meal; and   and restaurants, and watching the light and
          manager, Tobias Emmer for company, was   I must say, Executive Chinese Chef Alec   sound show at Marina Bay, reminiscent of
          another highpoint of my trip. The best part?   Khoo, you did great!    the Dancing Fountains of Dubai…
          Customised menus for each diner, keeping   Post such an indulgence, a ride around   After all these pumped-up moments, a
          in mind dietary preferences and restrictions,   town in a Vespa sounds like just the thing   nice long massage was the cherry on top.
          and names right on top! And a show of the   the doctor ordered! So, I set off, in my   The Four Seasons Spa was a haven for those
          Peking  duck  being sliced, temptingly  so.   chosen colour, helmet on, to discover   90 minutes, where nimble fingers worked
          While the duck, from the Jiang-Nan Chun   more of Singapore via sidecar, courtesy   to ease my tensed muscles, Peranakan style.
          Cherry Valley, was crisp, ceremoniously   Singapore Sidecars. What a thrill, right   These and more are what I brought back
          eaten in small, thin flatbreads, it was the   from the rider, nay ‘storyteller’, waiting   home from my little sojourn in Singapore,
          Dim Sum Combination that had the mouth   for me at the hotel to discovering spots   a city for all seasons.

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