Page 104 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 104


                                                                                  Peking Duck

            Jiang-Nan Chung, the exquisite Chinese restaurant at Four Seasons

                                                                                                        Pork Shoulder

           jungle, too, but its cleanliness and greenery   asking strangers how to get by and a lot of   and  luxury.  It  does  not  overwhelm  the
           differentiate it from the norm.    the hotspots can be accomplished on foot,   senses! It’s plush and it’s easy-going, with its
             There’s a relaxed yet fast-paced feel about   which I aced, fuelled by hearty brekkies at   warm interiors, its elegant rooms and lavish
           Singapore, in a concurrence that works.   the Hawker’s Bazaar, for instance, on China   suites,  with  views  of  the  city  from  your
           Sanitised is what you will often come across   Town. All this is easily accessible by Metro,   expansive window. Lay back in the outdoor
           when Singapore is being described, for it is.   from Four Seasons Hotel Singapore, where   pool, sweat it out on the open-air tennis
           More in its routine way of functioning, neat,   I was staying, on Orchard Boulevard – right   court or the 24-hour gym – you might want
           boot-licking clean – not a chit of paper on   next to the most serene of Buddhist temples.   to, to burn off some of the calories from all
           the streets – with grey skies and a monsoon   Four Seasons is centrally located with   the Singapore fare.
           that runs year round, in two seasons. The   a plethora of experiences laid out for you,   There is heavy emphasis on seafood in
           city  is  also  posh  and  culturally  diverse,  a   from  great  dining  options  −  Michelin,   Singapore and meats like beef and pork.
           breath of fresh air and an island city that’s   speciality, a bar called  One Ninety  with   For a vegetarian, it is not the best place to
           pretty popular for tourists who place safety   attached al fresco dining − to adventures like   be, fact’s a fact! So after some juicy oyster
           as one of their main factors for a destination.   a Vespa tour and a visit to a Peranakan home.   omelette,  popiah (spring roll with turnip,
           The  transport  system  won’t  leave  you   It’s a hotel that eases you in, in its comfort   diced boiled eggs, bean sprouts), the famed

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