Page 101 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 101


           The fragrant javadhu powder                        Only the purest of ghee

                                                                                                      Appalam Papads

                                   All-natural                    Muruku and more                  Jaggery powder is a
                                  toothpastes                                                  healthy substitute, indeed

                  Dedicated staff member, Arumugam
                          with sun-dried red chilli  Dosa idli batter ready for the taking
          Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh.  Karupatti   it is refreshing to observe they sell  Nannari   South-based hair, skin and dental care
          Mysore pak (Mysore pak made with palm     Sarbhat syrup, Kalimark Bovonto, and paneer   brands such as Meera and KP Namboodri's,
          jaggery), nattu sakarai kadala mittai (cane   soda. Arumugam interjects and asserts with   which emphasise natural ingredients,
          jaggery  powder  chikki), A-1 Chips  from   pride that Bovonto is the Indian equivalent   are conveniently located on the shelves
          Coimbatore,  and  other  authentic  sweets   of cola.  Nannari (Sarsaparilla),  also   alongside well-known brands like  Dove
          and savouries from Tirupur are a few   known as root beer, has been traditionally   and Colgate, should you be one of those
          products that are highly recommended for   recognised for its positive impact on overall   addicted to Colgate!
          you to try here.                   well-being.                            While residents of the neighbouring
             Native rice varieties from Tamil Nadu,   In our fast-paced lives where   areas of Dadar, Parel, Byculla, Sion and
          karuvadam, vadagam  (sun-dried fryums)   minor ailments are commonplace,  PG   Wadala can take advantage of the home
          and appalams (papads) attract South Indians   conveniently provides us with access to   delivery service, visiting this store is always
          from all over Bombay to this location. You   traditional medicine (nattu vaidyam). Our   a delightful experience. I know friends
          have a number of brands to choose from,   elderly  family  members,  who  grew  up   from South Bombay who come here once
          including the famous Ambika Appalam.   in towns and villages in the deep south,   a month to pick up what they need.
             Pickles, there are galore! Obvious ones   seldom resorted to pills. Instead, they   Last  but  not  the  least,  the  staff  here
          like mango and lime, but even unusual   primarily relied on sukku kaapi (a dry ginger   is  very  polite  and  helpful.  Customers
          ones like onion pickle,  gantur pickle,   concoction) for sore throat and cough, or   can browse through the various sections
          ginger-mango, all of which are in paste   anjaal aluppu marundu for fatigue.  while engaging in friendly conversations
          form.  They  also  have  a  big selection of   For various types of pain, a diverse   with them.
          mouth-watering chutneys, all ready to eat   range of pain-relieving oils, such as   Pazhaniappan Groceteria
          with not much effort save for opening the   thennamarakudi oil and  Franch  Oil NH   Shop No 9 & 10, Sangeeth Sagar LN
          lid of a bottle!                   Plus, are sourced from Tamil Nadu to   Lane, Matunga (East), Mumbai 400019
             In the era of colas and energy beverages,   effectively alleviate aches and pains.  Ph: 022 24021124

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