Page 96 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 96


           The Art of Eating

           What it means to eat! To eat well and to eat mindfully. To pay respect to what’s on your
           plate and the hands that have gone into its creation, beginning with his wife, Mina.
           UpperCrust introduces Mohan Krishnan, a genuine foodie, to indulge in all things food

                                am a good     when you dug deep, Prawn Bhuzna lazily   and  enjoyed  every  moment.  Only  the
                                eater. I eat   floating in a sargasso sea of onion and oily   small-minded  back  off  from  luxuries  for
                             I ll and I       jus, Spaghetti Bolognaise from Len Deighton’s   ideological reasons. We straddled the
                              drink well. I think   Action Cookbook, straight to the waist French   world of food from the simplest elegant
                              about what I eat,   Onion Soup (Amul  cheese  tastes  brilliant   varan, with a floating layer of  ghee and
                              and  thanks to   when cooked well), Fish Provencale, deadly   crisp  appalams on the  side, to  complex
                              UpperCrust, I now   Sunday biryanis, Veal Escalope.  degustations, and if the experience satisfied
                              get to write about   Coq au Vin,  infrequently, because   the soul, we were content.
                              it.             chicken was the expensive show-off meat.   Before this paean gets out of hand, let
                                 My    food   Magic on a shoestring.             me leaven the mix with a story. After we got
                              journey started    There was always the supporting cast   married, we lived in a barsati near Colaba
           when I turned 16, joined  Elphinstone   for each meal – French beans sautéed (in   bus station. Tiny and lovely.
           College, and met Mina. We were joined at   butter after the money came in, and later   One day, Mina decided to cook me a
           the hip for 56 years – five years of dating,   sprinkled with pine nuts that I   steak. Much planning went
           and 51 of marriage. Mina was a remarkable   learned to call pignoli), mashed   into the marinade, the cooking,
           entrepreneur, photographer, motivational   potato, roesti, a cold cucumber     the sauce, the plating. The
           speaker, and one of the world’s most   mousse. Simple dishes that              only problem – the meat was
           talented home chefs. Thanks to her, I have   knew their place in life. Their   as tough as shoe leather. Not
           eaten well all my life, especially at home.  cameo roles rocked the plate and palate, but   a Bally loafer – soft, buttery and pliable.
             Our 56-year journey ended in 2022   not the pocketbook.             Think Timberland heavy-duty. I tried, and
           when Mina passed away. Born with a toque   I  learned  that  a  great  chef  does  not   I tried, but I could not grind it down into
           on her head, a set of knives strapped to her   need lots of money to create magic. Get the   swallow-able chunks. I also knew I was not
           back, and tasting spoons in both          right produce, the perfect protein   rising from the table, without having licked
           hands,  Mina  swept  into  my  life       (bone-in meat and chicken, fresh   my plate clean.
           as  the  Cooking  Ninja.  Nothing         fish) and build on that foundation.  Fortunately, the window was open, and
           stealthy about her, the ninja                Taste as you cook, tweak as   Mina stepped into the kitchen to bring back
           reference is to her attitude. Fearless, with   you go, no wonder Mina was always sated   more of the yummy jus. I picked up the
           supreme self confidence in her skills. She   at the end of her cooking – she had created   steak, willed all my frisbee-throwing skills
           looked brilliant in full Miyake, and always   and savoured the entire meal.  into being, took aim, and slung it out. It
           cooked dressed to the nines.          I went with Mina to the Grant Road   sailed through. Soon I heard a bunch of
             In the early days of our marriage, I was   fish  market,  saw  her  sass  back  and  forth   Indie pooches fighting over the best-
           an underpaid minion at an ad agency. This   with the Koli women, shining in their full   tasting, finely-sauced, toughest steak in the
           was before the era of stock options, and   zari nauvari shocked that this westernised   world. The happiest dogs in SoBo.
           global agencies panting to buy their way   woman could diss them back in  shuddh   This column is about what I have
           into India. I could never figure out how   Marathi. Friendly abuse builds great bonds.   learned, over these 56 years of exceptional
           Mina kept me, and our daughter Ayesha, so   We always got the best fish – the stuff they   eating.
           well-fed on my pittance of a salary.  had hidden away for the real connoisseurs.   You’ll  hear  about  Mina’s  650  plus
             Here’s how she did it. One dish per meal   As the arc of our life proceeded, along came   collection  of  well  thumbed  and  flagged
           which was the star – the showstopper. So,   foie gras, caviar, truffles – black and white,   cookbooks that I have stashed away at
           our  meals were  studded  with  drop-dead   Wagyu, Michelin and other fripperies.  home. I will be dropping many names –
           lasagna, evil kheema curry, cauliflower and   All good things that we had earned   Robuchon, Boulud, caviar and pâté on the
           cheese – crisp on top and obscenely creamy   the  right to, so we made sure we loved   Concorde, Beef Wellie at Ramsay’s, tea at

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