Page 92 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 92


           A Farewell to New York’s Charm

           The intrepid Monika Patel has penned her swan song to the city she dreamt
           of living in, and did, fabulously, for a decade. Now comes the time for a new
           adventure, but not before she gives you a few last bites of NYC

                                              further for another surprise as the space   establishment also does this in a different
                                              opens into a bright, floral garden giving   way. Ambo is a small eatery close to NYU,
                                              it a fresh, upbeat feel. The food titillates   serving everyday Indian food. Started
                                              the senses too from wide eyes to twitching   during  COVID  by  three  engineers  from
                                              nostrils and watering tongue. The  Lucky   Baroda, who  are also childhood  friends,
                                              Cheng gin-based cocktail with curry leaf has   the idea was to streamline Indian fast
                                              a slight sweet tinge but Holi Moly with chilli   food while still presenting authentic taste
                                              mezcal, passion fruit and lime is tinglingly   that isn’t catering only to a Punjabi or
                                              delicious. The  Spice  Toasted  Pineapple   South Indian palate. They have dishes like
                                              comes recommended. Once it is placed in   moong dal, khichdi, bhindi and other home
                                              your dish, the waiter pours a scrumptious   favourites. You build your own meal just
                                              coconut gravy that made me want to lick   like you would at a Chipotle, Poke Bowl or
                                              the  plate  clean.  I  would  have  preferred
             t was my dream to live in the city that   shrimp instead of the pineapple, which
             never sleeps and for a decade I lived and   was also a tad salty. The Banarasi Pani Puri
          Ibreathed that life. But now it’s time to   with beetroot sounds better on paper, the
           leave. Writer Sari Botton, confessed, “New   flavour was too subtle. My favourite was
           York City gave me everything it had, and   the  Anarkali Chicken  with  pomegranate
           greedy as I was for experience, I took and   chilli cilantro. The blend of tang and spice
           took. I carry with me every day the gift   along with watermelon radish and the
           of the lessons New York taught me.” I   nuttiness of cashews makes this kebab-like
           will borrow her words because I too will   dish delicious. The pieces could have been
           always cherish the memories from this   smaller, but we polished it off. As we did
           unforgettable period of my life. But before   the Chicken Amrit, Bungalow’s version of
           leaving, I made the most of my last NYC   butter  chicken.  The  stuffed  yogurt  kebab   With Chef Vikas Khanna
           summer.                            wrapped in  katafi/seviyan, is another
             As a proud desi, a highlight has been   popular favourite. Chef Khanna is always
           to dine at Chef Vikas Khanna’s latest   hovering around, inspecting something in
           offering to the city, Bungalow. Ever since   the kitchen, pouring drinks for guests or
           it opened doors in March, I tried to get   welcoming customers. He makes it a point
           a reservation but it was not easy. Even   to  greet  everyone  at  the  restaurant.  He
           contacts didn’t work. So how did I get in?   stopped by our table, too, and we managed
           Here’s the hack. Either pounce on the Resy   a photo and a short chat with him before
           site exactly at 11am, two weeks before you   embarking on the final leg of the meal, the
           want to go, or do what I did and queue up   pièce de résistance,  a delectable three-way
           at 5pm and luck out as a walk-in. Traipse   mango dessert. It’s a rasmalai, topped with
           down a few broad steps and you step into   a light mango mousse, decorated with fresh
           history. The entrance and bar area evoke   mango coulis and chopped raspberries. Chef
           the British Raj. Chef Khanna has recreated   has perfected making food an experience
           nostalgia using dark wooden furniture and   and not just fuel for the body.
           panels, old-world artifacts and books from   If Vikas Khanna ensures he gives his
           his personal library. And then you venture   clients personal attention, another east side

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