Page 87 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 87

                                                                             FIT & F
                                                                                                   TH & WELLNES
                                                                                            | HEAL
                                                                             FIT & FAMOUS | HEALTH & WELLNESS
                                                Perfect 10

                Everyone in the food world knows this pretty face and talented chef. Shipra Khanna,
                     winner of MasterChef India Season 2, is a celebrity chef who loves to stay fit

                                           1.  What is your fitness mantra?      focused. Even just a few minutes
                                              My fitness  mantra is balance and   of meditation each day can make a
                                              consistency. I believe in finding a   significant difference in how I handle
                                              harmony  between  physical  activity,   stress and maintain a positive outlook.
                                              nutritious food and mental well-
                                              being. It’s not about extreme diets or   6.  Do you have any quick fixes, any
                                              punishing workouts but about making   herbal remedies, tonics you turn to
                                              sustainable, healthy choices every day.  when low and need a boost?
                                                                                 When I need a quick boost, I turn to
                                           2.  Is mental fitness as important as   a simple concoction of warm water,
                                              physical?                          lemon and honey. It’s refreshing and
                                              Absolutely. Mental fitness is just as   energising. I also love herbal teas like
                                              crucial as physical fitness, if not more.   chamomile and peppermint, which help
                                              Our mind drives our actions, decisions   calm my mind and soothe my body.
                                              and overall outlook on life. Practices
                                              like  meditation,  mindfulness  and   7.  How do you choose to detox after a
                                              taking time for self-care are essential to   particularly decadent night?
                                              maintain mental clarity and resilience.     I focus on hydrating and eating clean. I
                                                                                 start my day with a glass of warm water
                                           3.  What is your exercise routine like?  and lemon to kickstart my metabolism.
                                              My exercise routine is quite varied.   I then opt for light, nourishing meals,
                                              I  enjoy  a  mix  of  cardio, strength   rich in vegetables and lean proteins,
                                              training and yoga. Cardio keeps my   and make sure to drink plenty of water
                                              heart healthy, strength training builds   throughout the day.
                                              muscle, and yoga helps me stay flexible
                                              and centred. I  also  love taking  long   8.  What do you do to get back in shape
                                              walks, especially in nature, which is   quickly?
                                              both refreshing and rejuvenating.     I increase my activity level and pay
                                                                                 extra attention to my diet. This means
                                           4.  Any particular food you can’t resist   incorporating more high-intensity
                                              even when on a diet?               workouts  and sticking to  whole,
                                              Desserts  are  my  weakness!  Hence   unprocessed foods. Consistency is key,
                                              my new cookbook which is also my   so I stay committed to my routine.
                                              ninth cookbook, Sinfully Yours − Just
                                              Desserts, a sequel to my award-winning   9.  The buffed muscle look or the lean
                                              cookbook, Sinfully Yours, and it’s for all   toned look?
                                              those people who, like me, are health      I prefer the lean toned look. It’s about
                                              conscious yet love desserts! I believe in   feeling strong and agile rather than just
                                              enjoying life and not letting my body   looking muscular.
                                              crave for things by allowing myself
                                              small indulgences.              10. Who is that one person you think is
                                                                                 ultra fit?
                                           5. Do you meditate?                   It would be Virat Kohli. His dedication
                                               Yes, I do meditate. It’s a daily practice   to fitness and his disciplined lifestyle
                                              that helps me stay grounded and    are truly commendable.

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