Page 85 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 85


             Caramel Baked Yogurt

             Ingredients                       Method                           bath and bake for 15 minutes or
             For the yogurt mixture            For the caramel                  until set. Remove from the oven and
             • 150 g yogurt, hung in a muslin cloth   Place sugar in a heavy-bottomed   refrigerate for an hour.
             overnight                         saucepan and cook over low flame   For the spun sugar
             • 100 ml condensed milk           while stirring with a silicone spatula   Combine sugar and water in a
             • 100 ml milk                     for two to three minutes or until it   saucepan and heat to 150° C (hard-
             • 12 mini rasgullas               melts and turns brown in colour.   ball stage) while stirring continuously.
             • 4 tbsp blueberry compote        Remove from heat and pour one    Remove from heat, allow to cool until
             For the caramel                   tbsp of the caramel into ramekins or   it reaches 135° C (soft-ball stage).
             • 100 g castor sugar              mono-portion baking dishes. When   Use a fork to pull and stretch the
             For spun sugar                    cool, add 1 tbsp of blueberry compote   sugar into thin threads and continue
             • 100 g castor sugar              and 3 mini rasgullas in each. Set aside.  pulling and shaping the sugar threads
             • 50 ml water                     For the yogurt mixture           into round nests.
             Garnish                           Pre-heat the oven to 180° C. Fill the   Serve
             • 4 tsp castor sugar              tray up in a mixing bowl, mix together   Sprinkle 1 tsp castor sugar on each
             • few toasted pistachio slices    hung yogurt, condensed milk and   of the baked yogurts and caramelise
             • few petals of edible flowers    milk to make a smooth mixture using   using a blowtorch. Place the spun
             • few microgreens                 a balloon whisk. Pour the mixture   sugar nests and garnish with toasted
                                               into the ramekins or mono-portion   pistachio slivers, edible flower petals
                                               baking dishes. Place in a hot water   and microgreens.

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