Page 86 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 86


           A Healthy Independence

           With Independence Day recently celebrated in our country, Dr Sakina Patrawala
           of Zeal Wellness Nutrition brings to light another important freedom − from
           disease and illness!

                                 s we celebrate   better able to contribute to their communities   In contrast, a community plagued by
                                 I ndia’ s    and the economy. This was evident during   water-borne diseases sees its social life suffer.
                           Ahar d-won         India’s independence movement, where the   People are less likely to interact and the sense
                           independence, it’s   physical and mental well-being of leaders and   of community weakens. Ensuring clean water
                           essential  to  reflect   activists played a crucial role in sustaining   and proper hydration helps prevent disease,
                           on another kind of   their efforts. Mahatma Gandhi, for instance,   leading to more connected communities,
                           freedom that remains   emphasised the importance of a simple,   essential for building a strong, unified nation.
                           crucial for our nation’s   disciplined lifestyle and physical fitness,   Do: Ensure that your drinking water comes
                           progress: the freedom   understanding that good health was essential   from a safe, reliable source and regularly
                           from disease. Similar   for the demanding work of leading a non-  check for any contamination. Use water
           to how Mahatma Gandhi and his army   violent resistance movement.     purification methods before using.
           fought to free India from British domination,   Do: Incorporate physical activities like   Don’t: Drink or use water from sources that
           we too need to fight back against the growing   walking, jogging, swimming, or yoga into   are known to be contaminated or untreated,
           epidemic of lifestyle diseases including cancer,   your daily routine.  as this can lead to waterborne diseases.
           diabetes, hypertension, obesity, thyroid, etc.   Don’t:  Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Limit   Regular Health Checkups:  These  are
           The prevalence of these illnesses is rising as   prolonged sitting or inactivity.  crucial for maintaining a healthy population,
           a result of poor nutrition, imbalanced diets,   Vaccination:  After  gaining  independence,   which in turn can better withstand crises such
           and inactivity. Fighting these health battles   India faced numerous challenges, including   as  natural  disasters or  pandemics.  During
           is as crucial today as it was to remove the   widespread poverty, illiteracy  and poor   COVID-19, communities with better health
           British from India. Let us draw inspiration   health infrastructure. Recognising that good   infrastructure and healthier populations
           from our freedom fighters and commit to   health  was crucial  for  development, the   demonstrated greater resilience. Preventive
           achieving freedom from disease. Here are   government launched various public health   measures were implemented more effectively
           some common tips.                  initiatives. The eradication of smallpox in the   and recovery was quicker.
           Balanced and Nutritious  Meals: The   1970s and the significant reduction of polio   Investing in health fosters ongoing effort
           freedom struggle wasn’t just about breaking   cases in the early 21st century are notable   and resilience, building a stronger and more
           free from colonial rule but also about   milestones. These achievements underscore   resilient nation. Regular health  checkups
           achieving self-determination, dignity and the   the importance of collective action and   are  a  key  part  of  this  investment,  helping
           right to live with self-respect. Similarly, the   robust  public  health  policies  in  achieving   to ensure early detection and prevention of
           fight for good health is a continuous struggle   health freedom.      diseases, thereby contributing to the overall
           against diseases, malnutrition and inadequate   Do: Ensure you are up-to-date with your   well-being and strength of the population.
           healthcare. Just as independence empowered   vaccinations by consulting with your   Dos: Schedule regular visits to your healthcare
           the nation to chart its own course, balanced   healthcare provider regularly to protect   provider for check-ups and screenings.
           and nutritious meals empower individuals to   yourself and others from preventable diseases.  Don’ts: Do not ignore symptoms or delay
           lead lives free from the constraints imposed   Don’t:  Skip  vaccinations  based  on   medical consultations.
           by illness and infirmity.          misinformation or myths; always seek   Conclusion
           Dos: Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables,   information from credible sources and   As we honour the legacy of our freedom
           whole grains and lean proteins.    consult healthcare professionals.  fighters this Independence Day, let us
           Don’ts: Avoid processed foods, sugary   Clean  Water: Access to clean water and   commit to achieving freedom from disease.
           beverages and excessive consumption of   proper hydration are vital. When everyone   By adopting healthier lifestyles and making
           refined grains.                    has access to clean water, people are less   informed choices, we can combat the rise of
           Regular Physical Activity: A healthy   likely to fall ill and the community prospers.   lifestyle diseases and build a healthier nation.
           population is the bedrock of a strong and   Social  events,  festivals  and  gatherings  can   Just as Mahatma Gandhi and his army fought
           vibrant nation. When citizens are healthy,   take place safely, bringing people together,   for the freedom of India, let us fight for our
           they are more productive, more creative and   strengthening social bonds, fostering unity.  freedom from disease.

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