Page 83 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 83


              Chilled Tomato & Red Wine Gazpacho

              Ingredients                      • 50 ml white wine vinegar       For compressed cherry tomatoes
              For gazpacho                     • 100 ml water                   In a saucepan, bring sugar and
              • 300 g ripe red tomato, diced   • 4 basil leaves                 water to boil. Add the vinegar, salt
              • 100 g red bell pepper, diced   • salt to taste                  and basil leaves.
              • 100 g cucumber, peeled, cored   Garnish                         Remove from heat and allow the
              and diced                        • 16 red basil leaves            liquid to cool slightly.
              • 50 g onion, peeled and diced   • extra virgin olive oil to drizzle  Add cherry tomatoes to the liquid
              • 1 clove garlic                                                  and set aside for an hour.
              • 2 tsp white wine vinegar       Method                           Remove the cherry tomatoes from
              • 60 ml red wine                 For gazpacho                     the liquid and seal into a vacuum-
              • 1 slice bread, crust removed   Soak bread in red wine.          pack bag.
              • 100 ml tomato juice            Mix all ingredients together and   Refrigerate for an hour.
              • 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil  liquidise in a food processor until   Assembly & finishing
              • 200 g ice cubes                smooth.                          Place a ring mould in the centre of
              • salt to taste                  Adjust seasoning and consistency   a soup plate and arrange cherry
              For compressed cherry tomatoes   by adding some cold water, if    tomatoes and basil leaves inside.
              • 20 cherry tomatoes, blanched and   required. Pass through a fine   Pour in the gazpacho, remove
              peeled                           strainer and refrigerate.        mould and drizzle with extra virgin
              • 100 g sugar                                                     olive oil.

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