Page 78 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 78


                                                                                 Farzana Contractor

                                                                                 believes in living life true
                                                                                 to her nature. To uphold
                                                                                 her missive – live life
                                                                                 simply, honestly – she
                                                                                 urges us to regain the old
                                                                                 style of stress-free living
                                                                                 like our forefathers did.
                                                     Think With Your Heart
                                                                                 When they knew just
                                                                                 how much was enough

                                              Farzana Contractor                 to be content, happy
                                                                                 and healthy

           Here’s to the Rhythm of the Rain…

          I                                   let me cry in vain/And let me be alone again…”   with, it’s the scent…you agree? That blissful
             love standing in my verandah and
                                                                                 smell of earth hanging in the air, especially
                                                 A record we would listen to endlessly
             watching the rain, raining in the sea,
             thick sheets of water. Into the Arabian
                                                                                 Can drive one mad. Its called petrichor. The
           Sea which spreads majestically in front of   during the monsoons. Even dance to; the   if you are somewhere surrounded by trees.
           my home, sweeping into the horizon. It’s   Yes, I am rain mad. Crazy about this   scent that can calm you and rejuvenate you
           a phenomenal sight, the white foamy surf   season. I am at my best in these months. I   like no other perfume. Plant oils mixed with
           lashing at the shore, the palm trees swaying   enjoy the rain, I savour every moment of   moisture droplets and earthiness, left free
           madly in the stormy winds, dancing to the   it. Enjoy every experience. From watching   into the air, a gift from God. Close your eyes,
           rhythm of the falling rain.                   the  rain,  to  walking  in  the
           I have the strongest urge to                  rain, being drenched and
           run down and do the same.                     cold, yet feeling warm
           Dancing in the rain cleanses                  within. Driving in the rain,
           your soul.                                    cruising  past  the  waterfalls
             But I stand there                           of Mahabaleshwar is another
           mesmerised by the tableau in                  high. Also, like Gene Kelly, I
           front and replay a childhood                  go kicking puddles in the rain
           memory.  Ishratbhai,  my                      in Panchgani, where I make
           eldest  brother, piling  a  set               it a point to be every June,
           of  six  45s  on  the  turntable  of       for the first  showers to inhale
           the record changer and gently              the  best  fragrance  there  is  and
           clicking the start lever. The              watch the dust being washed off
           record at the bottom falls, the            the leaves. Making little rivulets
           tone arm of the record player              in the muddy paths. And by the
           goes with perfect precision and            way,  If you are not aware of Gene
           touches down on the vinyl record and we   Kelly’s Singing in the Rain, immediately go to
           hear a crashing crescendo, a mix of thunder   YouTube and seek the video! It is so uplifting.
           and rain. It’s the rhythm of the rain. “Listen   I thank Behram for introducing Gene and
           to the rhythm of the falling rain/Telling me just   Fred Astaire into my life.
           what a fool I’ve been/I wish that it would go and   So what’s it about the rain? To begin

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