Page 75 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 75


                                                                                    But the crowning glory has to be when
                                                                                 he launched Sassy Spoon in 2012. With Rachel
                                                                                 Goenka at the helm, this cosy little restaurant
                                                                                 at Nariman Point became such a hotspot on
                                                                                 the culinary landscape of Bombay. Irfan, a
                                                                                 likeable, low-key man and chef, attracted
                                                                                 immense patronage thanks to his cooking
                                                                                 prowess as well as human values. They set
                                                                                 up another Sassy Spoon in Poona which also
                                                                                 became all the rage.
                                                                                    After this stint ended, Irfan diversified,
                                                                                 overseeing the running of some super
                                                                                 places. AD Singh, another seasoned
                                                                                 restaurant honcho, recognised Irfan’s
                                                                                 potential and welcomed him into the Olive
                                                                                 fold. Here, as Country Head, Irfan handled
                                                                                 SodaBottleOpenerWala, Monkey Bar, Fatty
                                                                                 Bao. He was there for five years. “I loved
                                                                                 working with AD and Sabina. Marvellous
                                                                                 people, with a great value system,” says Irfan
                                                                                 fondly. He left the Olive group just this year.
                                                                                    Now Irfan has come to a stage where
                                                                                 he is happy to consult and pick up threads
             Warm Lemony Couscous                                                with his personal life. “Food is my forte and
                                                                                 I have gained immense experience in the
             Ingredients                      making sure the couscous is just   trade. I have been in the business so long
             • 1 cup couscous                 covered. Stir well and cover and set   that I have now gone beyond the kitchen;
             • 1 tbsp olive oil               aside for around 15 minutes.       be it menu planning, wine lists, beverage
             • 1 tbsp butter                  Using a fork, run it through the   costing, managing front of office teams,
             • chilli flakes to taste         couscous (which should have        how service guys must operate, etc, that I
             • 1 tsp garlic, chopped          absorbed all the hot water and will   decided to put all of this to good use and
             • 6 toasted almonds, roughly     now look swollen and plumpy),      help guide newcomers into the field, as well
             chopped                          making sure there aren’t any lumps.  as be a consultant to those seeking it.”
             • 1 tbsp coriander, chopped      In a pan, heat the rest of the butter   I can safely let you know that Bombay
             • juice of 1 lemon               and a little olive oil. Add the garlic   Gym members are a happy lot. This is also
             • salt & pepper                  and chilli flakes and cook just for a   Irfan’s club, a place where he goes to gym
             • 8-10 prawns, cleaned and deveined  bit. Do not let the garlic brown.  and swim everyday and joins the vigorous
                                              Add the prawns and continue to     boot  camp  twice  a  week.  In  an  honorary
             Method                           cook. Add the soaked couscous and   capacity, Irfan has helped streamline the fine-
             Rub couscous with olive oil and set   stir well. Season according to taste.  dining, Pavilion, situated on the first floor of
             aside in a bowl. This ensures the   Add the chopped coriander and   the club.
             couscous grains remain separate.  lemon juice and check the taste.     Doing things that make him happy also
             Put half the butter on top of the   Turn the flame off, add the toasted   includes reading and travelling. “A good
             couscous, boil water and pour it in,   almonds and toss well.       book offers me great pleasure. And both
                                                                                 Yasho and I love to go places, like Europe
          also restarted Under The Over,               Colaba, another of Bombay’s   and South East Asia; Thailand and Vietnam
          serving western food, the forte              landmark restaurants. “Rahul   and further east, Japan,” says the chef who
          being steaks and Tex Mex.                    and I have stayed in constant   has clearly made up his mind about where he
          With a symbiotic bond that he                touch.  We  meet  up  every     is now heading. Goa, for example.
          shares  with Rahul, Irfan  was               two months, at least. In     A house by the sea in Bombay and an
          back to working with him for                 fact he was home just two   apartment in Goa that overlooks a forest. Irfan
          a good three years at Indigo at              nights ago.”              couldn’t be happier or more content.

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