Page 73 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 73


          to win her favour. We started dating about a   His working life as a chef has also been
          year and a half after we met in 1990 but we   enriching. Working for the Radhakrishna     Yasho, the arty one
          married only in 1998! I remember going to   Hospitality  Services, he  has launched
          the US Club to meet with her parents and   innumerable cafés inside malls, hospitals
          chatting with them. It was an examination   and even schools. There was also Seijo  &
          of sorts!” smiles Irfan. Aalika, their kid came   The  Soul Dish  at  Bandra  which  offered
          along five years later.            him  the opportunity to cut  his teeth  at
             Irfan Pabaney has a rather rich history   Chinese cuisine, leading him to be picked
          about his early years. Firstly, he was born in   up by my friend and huge  UpperCrust
          Columbia, then moved to Mexico and after   fan, the late Kishor Bajaj, as Brand Chef
          that to Guatemala. If South America was not   at Hakkasan, a restaurant that had created
          exotic enough, guess where he followed his   such a stir. In between all this Irfan had
          father, an IAS officer, to, next ? Straight across
          to the Philippines. And from there to Africa,
          Nigeria! Such a geographical concoction
          must have been enriching! “Yes, you could say
          so, but I was happy to return to India and go
          to senior school in Maneckji Cooper. Growing
          up in Juhu had its own charm. Later, going to
          college at Mithibai was good, too. I was into
          sports in a big way, representing my college
          in swimming and water polo.”

                                                                                                 Irfan loves a good book

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