Page 68 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 68


           What a fabulous view
           Taj Malabar offers!

                                                                                                 Rice Boat at Taj Malabar
           Kochi. Here, they used the king fish in a   Lobster Extravaganza       Taj Malabar's Executive
           very similar preparation like others where                             Chef Meril Aricatt
           the fish is cooked in a banana leaf. The
           Kerala Fish Curry had king fish cubes in
           grounded coconut curry, served with rice,
           idiyappam and Malabar paratha.
             For  dessert,  we  had  the  Karikku
           Soufflé, which was essentially coconut milk
           with whipped cream and  malai.  Again,
           something very regional, very light and
           very flavourful.
             In vegetarian options they had the
           typical rasam, vegetable stew, avial (mélange
           of vegetables cooked with crushed coconut
           and yogurt) and the stew is served with an   dishes no restaurant I visited in Kochi   cooking. I am accustomed to meeting
           appam or idiyappam.                could match. It is not gourmet cuisine but   Michelin-star chefs or celebrity chefs,
             A meal here is a curated experience,   if you want to try what the locals eat, this   however,  here  is someone  who  is  a
           presenting  the  best Kerala has to   is the place.                   celebrity amongst chefs and amongst
           offer  in an  intimate  setting  along  the   In the mid-range eating, which   her peers, is recognised as someone who
           backwaters, where service, presentation   includes restaurants like Paragon, I think   has done something spectacular for the
           and authenticity of flavours and quality of   Kochi has achieved something that most   regional Malabar cuisine.
           ingredients are the focus.         other places struggle with. Good quality at   One cannot get enough of the
             Having eaten at other multiple   moderate prices. There is no compromise   variety of Malabar curries in Kerala, and
           locations on this trip − and some of them   in the quality of their raw ingredients   despite  Kerala  Curry,  appam,  idiyappam
           were just a quick fish curry and Malabar   and they use high-quality fish for all    and Malabar  paratha  being readily
           paratha,  and  therefore  do  not  find   their preparations.         available all over the country now, there
           themselves in this review − I have noticed   While there are multiple options to   is yet something about eating a Malabar
           that the quality of food across Kochi,   choose from in the fine-dining category,   paratha with Raw Mango Fish Curry sitting
           particularly in the well-known and reputed   I  particularly  liked  eating  at  the  Grand   along  the  backwaters.  Nothing  matches
           institutions, is of a high standard.    Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty because they have   that experience.
             To sum it all up:  Vellakanthari is a   a very authentic chef in Chef Latha. She   Eating out in Kochi is enough reason
           different concept where the focus is on   ensures that there is a certain earthiness,   for one to visit this beautiful city. I could
           home-style cooking with a variety of fish   genuineness  and  passion  infused  in  her   go back again!

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