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P. 66


                                              the gunpowder we use over idli, but has a   In addition to the karimeen, they have an
                                              much more intense ‘prawny’ flavour.   assortment of prawn dishes, beef, duck, crab
                                                 Having eaten at a 5-star establishment,   and king fish (neymeen). It is a first- come-
                                              I was next keen to try what the locals eat   first-serve restaurant, so once the dishes are
                                              and where they eat. A restaurant almost   finished, that is it for the day.
                                              universally recommended by everyone   The prices are so reasonable that one can
                                              starting from chefs at the hotel, to my driver,   try almost everything on the menu if you can
                                              to my tour guide, to the hotel manager and   find the appetite. Most dishes range between
                                              my few friends in Kerala is  Vellakanthari.   Rs 250-Rs 400.
                                              This is a restaurant whose name you will   I started with the Karimeen Pollichathu
                                              hear often, and it is unique, in that it serves   and then Neymeen Fry, which is Pearl Spot
                                              more than 30 fish dishes.          grilled with banana leaf and the king fish,
                                                 Located between a toll station and   which is deep-fried.
                                              a police station on a dusty highway, one   The problem with a restaurant like this
                                              can easily miss this place if you are not   is that the food has been cooked long before
                                              looking out for it. A few steps down from   you are going to eat it and so textures and
                                              the highway you are led to what looks   temperature of the meal do get compromised
            It's an unique menu at
            Vellakanthari                     like someone’s home, thatched roofs with   by the repeated heating and refrying of the
                                              multiple women serving the large crowds   food. I found the fish to be too dry for my
                                              waiting for a table. The restaurant is run by   liking and that is possibly because it has been
                                              a husband and wife and their daughter, with   sitting in its vessel since the morning and
                                              about 15 to 20 other women who all work   then reheated a few times.  The Prawn Fry
                                              together to make Vellakanthari what it is.  was again a bit stiff for my liking; however,
                                                 You are warned this is a no-frills   the authentic flavours are something to write
                                              restaurant where even the menu is hanging   home about. There is a definite difference
                                              off a  tree  at  the entrance and there  is   between the way the  masala is made at
                                              another menu on a whiteboard inside the   Vellakanthari than at the other fine-dining
                                              restaurant. The only luxury here is a fan, no   restaurants. I tried a little bit of everything
                                              air-conditioning, and the décor is minimalist   including the Crab Roast, the Prawn Curry,
                                              with steel tables and plastic chairs.  the Prawn Fry and the Malabar paratha.
                                                 The dishes are pre-prepared and placed   As an experience, it is definitely high on
                                              at one end of the restaurant. All you have to   my list because it is so unique in the way
                                              do is identify what you want to eat from the   this restaurant has been structured. There is a
                                              menu, and if like me, language is an issue,   great choice to be had and it is home-cooked
                                              then you can point directly at the dish you   Malayali cuisine.
                                              want and they will scoop it out, heat it and   But, while eating here was an experience
                                              serve it to you. This is as quick and as basic   for me, it is not one I would recommend to
            No-frills food is served
                                              as it gets, but people queue here for hours   most people. It is worth going and trying
           as a starter. Chef Latha and her team were   to eat.                  if  you can  endure the  heat because it is
           kind  enough  to  serve  me  great  banana   The menu is extensive and I am told   an unique concept, but if you are in Kochi
           dosa, but what surprised me most was the   that a lot of dishes available at Vellakanthari   only for a few days there are better meals to
           myriad of pickles they serve this with. We   are typical dishes eaten at home, but never   be had.
           all know about mango pickle, lemon pickle,   found in a restaurant. A good example of   After trying fine-dining in a 5-star hotel
           however, Chef Latha’s collection included   this would be the Fish Head Curry. It is a   and dining like the locals in a shack by
           manga achar (mango pickle), kadumanga   well-known delicacy amongst Malayalis,   the highway, it was time to try something
           achar  (tender  mango pickle),  naranga   however,  not  a  dish  routinely  found  on   middle of the road. When in Kochi this kind
           achar (lemon pickle), karakka achar (dates   restaurant menus.        of cuisine is best served by Paragon.
           pickle), chemmeen achar (prawn pickle), fish   They specialise in Pearl Spot or karimeen,   Established almost seven decades ago
           pickle, beef pickle and a few other varieties.     which  is  a  local  fish  and  has  now  been   in Calicut, Paragon has now got multiple
           There is also a dried prawn powder, which   declared the fish of Kerala. This is a small   restaurants across Kerala and also has a
           is seasoned with Kerala spices, which adds   fish, which is flaky and is the fish of choice   very successful outlet in Dubai. They serve
           great flavour to any dish. It is almost like   for the locals.        a fusion of Malabar region’s Moplah and

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