Page 67 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
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          Thiyya cuisines and are known for their
          quality as well as their middle-of-the-road
          pricing. You can have a lavish meal for two
          with your choice of fish and prawns for less
          than Rs 2000.
             I  tried  the Paragon  at  Lulu Mall and
          was surprised at the crowds waiting to be
          seated. It is not unusual to have to wait for
          upto an hour for a table, particularly during
          lunchtime.  Their  menu is  extensive  and
          apart from their speciality Malabar cuisine
          they also serve North Indian, Chinese and
          Italian cuisines.
             I, of course, was there to sample the
          best they had in their speciality cuisine.
          Our server was quick to point out to me
          that their portions are large and so the best           A traditional Kochi spread
          I could do was try their seafood sampler.
          With that he suggested I must try their   so oily and flaky, almost having a steak-like   uncommon  to spot dolphins  swimming
          Kozhi Porichathu, which is Malabari masala-   texture, that it is a must-try.  past you while you are dining.
          flavoured chicken deep-fried to perfection.     The Raw Mango Prawn Curry with the   Chef Meril Aricatt, the Executive Chef
          The other must-have dish he recommended   Malabar paratha was everything that food   at  the  hotel  and  General  Manager  Sibi
          was their Raw Mango Prawn Curry served   does to make you happy. This was possibly   Mathew, are perfect hosts. To make the
          with Malabar paratha.              the best Malabar  paratha  I have had on   experience more memorable we took the
             The seafood sampler started with   my trip to Kerala. I believe for dishes like   Taj speedboat from the Grand Hyatt to the
          Chemmeen Pollichathu, which is medium-  dosa and Malabar paratha, it is the scale at   Taj Malabar. The journey took less than 10
          sized prawns marinated with special masala   which they are made which makes these   minutes, which would have been at least
          and deep-fried. Then, Koonthal Varattiyathu,   dishes perfect. I have always found that the   45-minutes by road.A speedboat ride across
          which is tender baby squid cooked with   dosa at a 5-star hotel is never as good as   the lake is a wonderful experience and being
          ginger,  garlic,  onion  and  ground  spices   your roadside dosawala who is churning out   picked up in your own private boat from
          along with roasted coconut and curry   possibly 150 to 200 dosas in 3 to 4 hours.     one location to the other is a thing dreams
          leaves. Next was  Karimeen Pollichathu,   The Malabar  paratha at  Paragon  adds   are made of. Travelling by boat across
          again,  which  is  Pearl  Spot  wrapped  in   nothing new to the ingredients, but it is so   Kochi is not only practical but a romantic,
          banana leaf and baked, and lastly, Chuttulli   much more fluffy and flaky than anything   memorable, and very unique, experience. I
          Meen, which is a recipe handed down from   else I had  tried that it was a wonderful   do hope the water ways around the lake will
          ancient Jewish immigrants where king fish   revelation. I am told by the locals that the   be developed further, though.
          is marinated in a mélange of pearl onions   best Malabar paratha is either available at   Our meal at Rice Boat was aptly titled
          and green spices, and grilled.     the Grand Hotel or at Paragon.      Taste of Kerala. We started with  Masala
             The fried chicken, the squid, the prawn,   The meal here is surprisingly reasonable   Grilled Squid, which are squid rings
          the king fish, the Pearl Spot were all   with most dishes ranging between Rs 300-  rubbed with ethnic spices and curry leaves
          delightful. There is not a dish here which I   Rs 500, which is quite a steal. Portions are   followed by  Tiger Prawns – Ularthiyathu
          would not highly recommend. As this is the   large and it is impossible for one person to   (tossed with ginger, garlic, onions and
          first time I was trying squid on this visit to   finish everything.    tomatoes).  Both were done to perfection,
          Kerala it was a wonderfully new addition to   My last stop on my culinary pilgrimage   and in this restaurant there is not only a
          things that I had already tried. The roasted   in Kochi was to the revered and often   great emphasis on the quality of food, but
          coconut and curry leaves had a wonderful   called the ‘best restaurant in Kochi’ – the   also on the presentation. Next, was the crab
          depth of flavour as well as texture to this   Rice Boat. Located at the Taj Malabar Hotel   and coconut soup, which essentially was a
          dish and the tenderness and sweetness of   and designed to give the impression of a   crab velouté with thyme and scallions. Not
          the baby squid are very well balanced with   traditional rice boat, this restaurant boasts   a typically Malabari dish, but a sublimely
          the garlic and the ground spices. The king   views  of  the  backwaters  and the historic   flavoured and very delicately balanced dish.
          fish was prepared very differently to what I   Mattancherry  from  its  location  on  the   Main courses included  Meen  Pollichathu,
          had been eating before and again the fish is   Wellington Island. During lunch it is not   which is a standard in any meal you have in

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