Page 64 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 64


           A Culinary Pilgrimage

           in Kochi

           Traversing the tranquil paths of a city, after a decade or more, could have you
           experiencing it from a whole new lens. Kochi has changed over time and then not
           so, too, where its food and its authenticity are concerned. Here's a taste of it

           Text: Dr Nishant Kumar

             remember first visiting Kochi, then   common feature in breakfast buffets across   This time I visited Kochi after a decade,
             known as Cochin, more than 30 years   the country. A Kerala fish curry can be found   and my endeavour was to try authentic
          I . It was so different from anywhere   in some form or the other in restaurants   food, not only in luxurious fine-dining
           else I had been that it yet stands out in my   across the breadth of the country.  settings, but in different locations traversing
           memory. The Taj Malabar on the Arabian   Visiting Kochi, for me, has always   from the very basic dining spots the locals
           Sea was an unique property, and it is here   been  a  gastronomic  experience.  When  I   frequent to the more upscale restaurants.
           for the first time I tasted appam and the   think of Kochi and Kerala I think about the   On this visit I was staying at the Grand
           varieties of curries and stews, which we   backwaters, the serenity, the huge diversity   Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty, a relatively new luxury
           are now so familiar with. Back then, good   that one finds in the city with the fishing   property on Bolgatty Island overlooking
           appam was only available in Kerala and if   nets, the Jewish Quarter and the Royal   the backwaters of the Vembanad Lake.
           you wanted to have a flaky Malabar paratha,   Palace. An added attraction for me has   They have a  very  accomplished  team  of
           that is where you needed to venture.    always been the famous Guruvayur Temple   chefs with Latha, as their Chef de Cuisine.
             Things however have changed in the   located an hour and half away from Kochi   Chef Latha is a celebrated chef having
           last three decades. Appam is now available   with its elephant sanctuary where more   written multiple books on the local food of
           in most multi-speciality restaurants and is a   than 50 elephants of the temple are housed.  Kerala, but it is her simplicity and warm-
                                                                                 heartedness which makes an impression on
                                                                     Latha Kuniyil,   me. She cooks food that she knows well and
                                                                   Chef de Cuisine,
                                                                      Grand Hyatt   has been eating and feeding others all her
                                                                    Kochi Bolgatty
                                                                                 life. She is ably assisted by Chef Selvaraj,
                                                                                 the other Chef de Cuisine.
                                                                                    My first meal was a  thali that was
                                                                                 specially curated for me. There is so much
                                                                                 variety in Malabari cuisine that a thali is the
                                                                                 best way to try and sample many things at
                                                                                 one go. My meal started with Chicken 65,
                                                                                 which is deep-fried chicken marinated with
                                                                                 special Kerala spices. Very simplistically,
                                                                     Chukku kaapi  Grand Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty

            Karimeen Pollichatu

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