Page 82 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 82


              Kerala Vegetable Stew Espuma

              Ingredients                      • 200 ml thick, fresh coconut milk  Method
              For stew                         • 100 ml water                   For stew
              • 400 g cauliflower florets      • 2 tbsp coconut oil             Heat oil in a pan, add cardamom,
              • 100 g carrot, cut into cubes   • salt to taste                  clove, peppercorn, cinnamon and
              • 100 g potato                   Add-ons & garnish for espuma     allow them to crackle. Add curry
              • 50 g green peas                • 4 tbsp pineapple-pepper reduction   leaves followed by onions and stir-fry
              • 1 onion, finely sliced         (see note below)                 for a couple of minutes over medium
              • 1 green chilli, slit           • 4 tbsp garlic breadcrumbs      flame.
              • 1 tbsp ginger, made into a paste  • 4 tsp black olive soil (see note   Add the ginger and garlic pastes
              • 1 tbsp garlic, made into a paste  below)                        and slit green chilli and stir-fry for a
              • 3 green cardamom, cracked, whole  • 1/2 tsp curry leaf powder   minute or so more before adding the
              • 1 tbsp black peppercorn, whole  • 1 tsp crushed black pepper    vegetables and continuing the cooking
              • 1 cinnamon stick of 1.5”       • few fried curry leaves         process for a couple of minutes.
              • 4 cloves                       • extra virgin olive oil, to drizzle  Add water and coconut milk and bring
              • 10 curry leaves                • 8 banana chips                 to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer and
                                                                                cook for 15 minutes or so until the
                                                                                vegetables are done.
                                                                                For espuma
                                                                                Remove from heat and set aside to
                                                                                cool. Make a fine puree in a food
                                                                                processor. Load the mixture into an ISI
                                                                                cream charger and charge with N2O
                                                                                Assembly & finishing
                                                                                Pour 1 tbsp of pineapple reduction in
                                                                                the base of a martini glasses. Top with
                                                                                a shot of espuma in each and sprinkle
                                                                                with garlic breadcrumbs, black olive
                                                                                soil, curry leaf powder and crushed
                                                                                black pepper. Repeat the process
                                                                                once more and garnish with fried curry
                                                                                leaves and banana chips.
                                                                                Finish with a drizzle of extra virgin
                                                                                olive oil.
                                                                                To make pineapple-pepper reduction
                                                                                marinade, reduce 500 ml pineapple
                                                                                juice with 1 tsp crushed black pepper
                                                                                in a saucepan over medium heat to
                                                                                1/5th (100 ml). Set aside, allow to cool.
                                                                                To make black olive soil, pre-heat
                                                                                oven to 100° C. Take 100 g black olives
                                                                                (pitted), cut them into halves, place
                                                                                on a small baking tray and dry in the
                                                                                oven for 45 minutes. Remove from the
                                                                                oven, allow them to cool and make a
                                                                                coarse powder using a blender.

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