Page 81 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 81


              Millet and Black Rice Risotto

              Ingredients                      Garnish                          and heat for about 30 to 40 seconds.
              For basil pesto                  • few micro greens               Add the garlic and onions, sauté till
              • 40 g fresh basil leaves        • Parmesan cheese, freshly grated  onions are translucent, then deglaze
              • 2 garlic cloves                                                 the pan with the white wine.
              • 50 g pine nuts or walnuts, roasted  Method                      Separate thyme sprigs from the
              • 60 g Parmesan, freshly grated  For basil pesto                  stems and add to the pan, let them
              • 120 ml extra virgin olive oil   In a food processor combine the basil   simmer with the wine for 1 minute.
              • salt to taste                  leaves, pine nuts and garlic and blend   Add the boiled black rice and both
              For risotto                      into a coarse mixture.           the millets to the pan, and sauté for
              • 180 g foxtail millet, boiled   Add the Parmesan cheese and      about 5 minutes.
              • 180 g black rice, boiled       process until the cheese is well-  Add the stock to the pan and simmer
              • 1 onion, chopped               combined with the basil mixture.  the rice and millets for 5-6 minutes.
              • 5 garlic cloves, chopped       With the processor running, slowly   Season with salt and pepper.
              • 100 ml white wine              pour in the olive oil through the top   Stir in butter and Parmesan to finish
              • 2 tbsp olive oil               and process until the pesto reaches   the risotto.
              • 2 fresh thyme sprigs           the desired consistency. Season with   For stir-fried organic vegetables
              • 250 ml vegetable stock         salt to taste.                   Heat a non-stick pan on a medium
              • 20 g butter                    For risotto                      flame.
              • 30 g Parmesan, freshly grated  Soak the millets separately in steel   Add butter and olive oil to the pan.
              For stir-fried organic vegetables  bowls with double amount of water   Add the carrots to the pan and sauté
              • 8 baby carrots, peeled and     (120 g millet: 240 ml water) for 15   lightly, followed by the beetroot, the
              blanched                         minutes.                         beans, the baby corn and lastly the
              • 200 g Swiss chard, stems removed  Soak the black rice in a bowl with   Swiss chard.
              • 2 baby beet, peeled, blanched and   double the amount of water (120 g   Add the pesto to the vegetables and
              cut into quarters                rice: 240 ml water) for 15 minutes.  toss lightly.
              • 8 haricot beans, blanched      After 15 minutes, boil the millets and   Season with salt and pepper.
              • 4 baby corn, blanched and cut into   black rice separately for 18 to 20   Assembly and garnish
              halves                           minutes each.                    Serve the risotto in a pasta bowl
              • 4 tsp basil pesto              Heat a medium, heavy-bottomed    topped with stir-fried organic
              • 2 tbsp olive oil               stock pan on a slow flame.       vegetables.
              • 1 tsp crushed black pepper     Add the butter and olive to the pan   Garnish with micro greens, grated
              • salt to taste                                                   Parmesan and extra virgin olive oil.

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