Page 88 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 88


           Relishing the Chutney

           In Indian cuisine, chutneys play an important role as companions to the food and
           as taste enhancers. Gautam Anand relishes this staple food with focus on Delhi
           and shares unusual recipes that you must try at home

          ‘L     et food be your medicine and the   meaningful and healthy enhancement to   Delhi and no, by no means are we limiting
                                                                                    We focus today on the National Capital,
                 kitchen be your pharmacy’.
                                              occasionally bland or monotonous meals.
                    In the vibrant tapestry of
                                                 The concept of combining fruits,
                                                                                    Once Upon a Chutney
           culinary delights, few condiments boast the   vegetables and spices to create a zesty, tangy   the national love affair with chutney.
           versatility, flavour complexity, and timeless   accompaniment has been a culinary tradition   When it comes to relishes, chutneys have
           appeal quite like the chutney. As we embark   across cultures.        a role to play as both companions and taste
           on a delectable journey through the rich   In ancient times, the relish was a   enhancers. These delicious accompaniments,
           history of this culinary gem, we seek our   culinary alchemy  − a magical touch that   blending tradition and innovation, have
           cultural heritage to guide us through India’s   transformed humble ingredients into a   become a part of every home. In Delhi, a
           incredible cuisine and relishes.   symphony of flavours. It was a testament   city where history intertwines with diversity,
             Good digestion is the basis of good   to resourcefulness, turning surplus produce   the evolution of chutneys represents a journey
           health, according to our  hakims and   into delectable creations that could be   that  highlights centuries  of  influence,
           vaids. And good digestion starts with a   enjoyed long after harvest season.  adaptation and creativity.
           combination of health and taste.      A Symphony of Flavours             In the heart of Chandni Chowk, amidst
             Zaiqa and Sehat                     As the culinary landscape evolved, so did   its maze of streets and bustling markets, the
             In India, taste plays a big role in food   the varieties of gourmet relishes available to   Neher e Faiz or the canal system silently
           selection. The six tastes are: sweet; sour;   choose from. From the sweet and savoury   flowed, reshaping not only the city’s
           salty; bitter; astringent; pungent. Each one   chutneys of India to the tangy pickles of   geography but also its dining culture. This
           has a different effect on our metabolism.  South Asia, each culture added its unique   remarkable water network was meticulously
             Historically, Indian relishes do serve as   twist to this condiment.  revived by visionary engineers with assistance

                                              Gosht ki Chutney                  • 6 red chillies

                                              Ingredients                       • 12 curry leaves, with stems
                                              • 1 kg mutton (gosht), boneless
                                              • 1/2 cup thick paste tomato      Method
                                              • 4 tbsp roasted sesame paste     Pressure-cook mutton with 1/2 tsp garlic
                                              • 1 tbsp roasted cumin powder     paste, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 curry leaves with stems
                                              • 1/2 tbsp roasted coriander powder  and 2 cups water, until meat is tender.
                                              • 1 tsp red chilli powder         Uncover and cook until the water has
                                              • 2 tbsp garlic paste             evaporated. Remove and cool. Discard curry
                                              • 1 tsp salt                      leaves, shred mutton cubes and keep aside.
                                              • 150 g tamarind pulp             Heat oil. Fry seasoning ingredients till light
                                              • 1 cup refined oil               brown, add garlic paste, stir fry for a minute,
                                              Seasoning                         then add sesame paste, coriander powder,
                                              • 1/2 tsp cumin seeds             cumin powder, red chilli powder and salt.
                                              • 1/2 tsp mustard seeds           Stir for a minute, add tomato paste and
                                              • 1/2 tsp onion seeds             tamarind pulp. Cook and stir continuously
                                              • 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds         for 3-4 minutes.
                                              • 14 cloves                       Add shredded mutton and stir till oil
                                              • 7 garlic cloves                 comes up.

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