Page 90 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 90


                                              a fusion of flavours. Each dish offers a   new twists. Their expertise ensures that
             Methi ki Launji                  combination of tanginess, sweetness and   every meal in Delhi is elevated by these
                                              savoury elements.                  accompaniments.
              Ingredients                        The Mughals not only excelled      Their commitment to perfecting chutneys
             • 1/2 cup fenugreek seeds (methi dana)  in grandeur but also made valuable   goes beyond passion; it is a service they
             • 3/4 cup jaggery • 3/4 cup sugar   contributions to culinary innovations while   provide to the city of Delhi. Whether it’s
             • 2 tbsp red chilli powder • 2 tbsp   prioritising health. They introduced chaat as   a street side snack or an extravagant family
             coriander powder • 4 tbsp amchoor   a blend of ingredients that included chutneys   feast every meal benefits from their skills.
             powder • 2 tbsp chaat masala     known for aiding digestion. Chutneys played   The flavours they create not only accompany
             • 1.5 tsp salt • 2 tbsp cooking oil  a role in Mughal cuisine beyond taste; they   dishes but also elevate them to new heights.
             • 1 tsp cumin seeds • 1 tsp fennel seeds  helped balance the richness of Mughlai   They understand that chutneys are more than
             • 1/4 cup raisins • 10 dates (khajoor)  dishes.                     condiments; they are enhancers that can
                                                 As  chaat  spread  throughout  India, it   truly transform a dish into something. Their
             Method                           underwent variations. Each region added   boundless creativity opens up possibilities.
             Soak fenugreek/methi seeds in water   its touch by incorporating chutneys to infuse   Whether it’s infusing mint chutney with
             for around 5 hours, then drain the   tangy and spicy flavours into their dishes.   a fusion of flavours, or giving a twist to
             water. Now rinse with fresh water and   These chutneys played a role in enhancing   the tamarind chutney, the Mir Bakawal is at
             drain completely.                the chaat experience and establishing it as a   the forefront of culinary exploration. They
             Cover the seeds in a bowl with a muslin   part of street food culture.  value staying connected to their roots while
             cloth for 2 days to sprout them.    Contemporary Chutneys in Delhi  aiming for horizons and exploring all the
             When seeds are sprouted, wash them,   Delhi’s  food  scene  has  always  been  a   possibilities.
             and pressure cook with 1.5 glasses of   melting pot of traditions and ingredients   Mughal Tales of Chaat
             water for 3 whistles on medium heat.  brought in by various communities. They   Amidst  the  streets  of  Delhi,  there  are
             Drain the water and wash the boiled   have all contributed their stories to the   tales from the Mughal era that depict stories
             seeds with fresh water (instead of   evolution of chutneys in Delhi.  of camaraderie and indulgence. These
             boiling you can steam the seeds).   When it comes to chutneys, Delhi offers a   anecdotes shed light on how the Mughals
             Soak the dry dates in water for 4 hours,   range that reflects the traditions of different   delighted in  chaat with accompanying
             remove the seeds and slice them thinly.   regions. Punjabi  chutneys are known for   chutneys savouring the blend of flavours
             If you are using fresh soft dates, then   their spicy flavours, often featuring garlic   that still linger today. As we relish these
             chop them and add them directly.  as an ingredient. On the other hand, South   street food delicacies, we connect with the
             Heat oil in a pan and add cumin   Indian  chutneys have a milder taste with   heritage left behind by the Mughals. Indulge
             and fennel seeds. When seeds start   coconut as their base, offering flavours. An   in a taste of history.
             crackling, add boiled fenugreek seeds   excellent example of this evolution is the   In conclusion. Delhi’s culinary journey
             and sauté for few seconds.       momo chutney, which was introduced by   serves as evidence of its cuisine’s resilience
             Now add all the spices, sugar, jaggery,   a community in Delhi alongside momos (a   and  adaptability.  From  the  Mughals’
             raisins and dates in the pan, mix well.  type of dumpling). This fusion combines   introduction of  chaat to combinations
             Simmer for around 20 minutes or till   chutney flavours with spices resulting in a   like momo chutney, Delhi’s diverse range of
             gravy thickens.                  delightful blend that perfectly complements   chutneys exemplifies its spirit of diversity and
             Store in a glass jar when cool down   the delicate taste of momos. Each community   innovation.
             completely.                      adds its touch to these  chutneys making   Chutneys have a place in Delhi’s scene
                                              Delhi’s food scene even more vibrant and   as they contribute to the harmonisation and
                                              diverse. The Deccani influences on the gosht   enhancement of flavours. They serve as a
                                              ki chutney are unique.             reminder that food’s not about nourishment
                                                 The Mir Bakawal (Chief Taster and   but also about delving into and appreciating
                                              Head Cook in the Royal Kitchen)    the rich tapestry of history, culture and taste.
                                                 While discussing Delhi’s journey, it is    Zaiqa E-Hindi hun main,
                                              crucial to acknowledge the heroes behind   Chutney naam hai mera.
                                              the scenes who play a significant role in   Dekh mera zauq-o-shauq
                                              shaping its cuisine. Mir Bakawal, the talented
                                              head chef for creating and innovating with   I am Hindi by taste
                                              chutneys, carries the task of preserving these   Chutney is my name
                                              condiments’ legacy while also introducing   Discover my pleasure and delight

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