Page 94 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 94


                                                    Whipped Ricotta Summer at Theodora  Toasted Rice Mille-Feuille at Manhatta

           ago, after a tired hostess complained of   favourite New York rooftop bars, is Manhatta.   Raw Turmeric-infused Gin at Baar Baar
           the time it took to prepare a meal, she got   I simply had to revisit and drink in the view
           the idea of experimenting with readymade   and yes, the cocktails. John the bartender
           sauces. Thus, was born  Masala Mama,   made a delicious tangy and spicy gin-based
           where she offers a taste of home cooking   cocktail for me and I enjoyed the bar bites
           without the work. Her products can be   of pretzel with mustardy cream cheese and
           found at grocery stores like Whole Foods as   a hazelnut  Buratta served with charred
           well as on Amazon. Whether you need a   asparagus and decorated with petals. But I
           base for korma, or tikka masala, a vindaloo   was in for a shock. The manager was rude to
           or curry, or even just want to heat and eat   me over a misunderstanding for requesting
           some legumes, Nidhi has it all prepped and   my favourite table. I was supposed to meet
           ready for you. You can buy a single-flavour   more friends but was so upset, I decided to
           pack, 3, 4 or 6 pack, and the next time you   leave and go to another bar. And that’s how
           entertain, revel in the praise of your guest   I discovered Overstory, one of the top 50 bars
           while sending a wink Nidhi’s way.  in the world. I have eaten at Crown Shy on
             My farewell bash was catered by   the ground floor, but Overstory was always
           Bedouin Tent.  The owner, Abu Dayyeh,   difficult to reserve. They have since changed
           is a wonderful man. Even when I made   their reservation policy and made it easy for   ‘last week in NYC discoveries’ too. Could the
           the  blunder of not  tipping  enough,  he   walk-ins, too. If there is one view of New   Thai food at Fish Cheeks be even better than
           was gracious in pointing it out to me and   York City that is a must, it’s the one from the   Thailand? Possibly. Everything is delicious
           leaving the decision to me. From falafel,   64th floor of 70 Pine Street. Unfortunately,   but you must try the whole branzino with
           to  hummus, babaganoush,  chicken  kebabs,   James Kent is no longer alive,  but  the   Thai herbs. I still wake up remembering the
           grape leaves, Middle Eastern pizza and   establishments he created will forever live on   taste of that sauce on my tongue. Do jump
           mouthwatering  baklava,  he ensured my   as his legacy to the city.   on the musical notes at  Little  Island and
           order was precise, met my specs, delivered   And as my time came to an end, I   enjoy a beautiful view, maybe catch a concert
           on time and most importantly, tasty. And   made a mad dash to get in as many of my   at the amphitheatre. For a classy rooftop bar
           he threw in a free sandwich when I went to   favourite spots as possible. Some I managed   try Peak at Edge.
           his establishment to place the order, which I   like dining at Bar Room at The Modern and   New York is never going away, and I
           have to admit is one of the best lamb wraps   some bubbly at RH Rooftop, where I spotted   know I’ll be back, so this swan song may
           I’ve had and I’m not even a fan of lamb.   Jeremy Strong of Succession fame who had   still see another day.
           Bedouin Tent is also easy on the wallet and   just won an Emmy for Enemy of the People. But   But  as  one  of  my  favourite  authors,
           does not charge an arm and a leg like some   my favourite turmeric cocktail at Baar Baar   Paulo Coelho, once said, “If you’re brave
           other Brooklyn Middle Eastern caterers.   will have to remain on my wish list along   enough to say goodbye, life will reward you
           And truth be told, I ate humble pie and   with the best seafood at Catch, the Beetroot   with a new hello.”
           Venmoed him an adequate tip.       Salad at ABC Kitchen and the kharghosh at   Because life is an adventure and it’s on
             Talking of farewells, and one of my   Dhamaka.  But I need to mention some new   to the next one for me.

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