Page 97 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
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          the Ritz, and elegant teppanyaki at a small   This interaction is not just in fine-  intently to any critique, and will not offer
          castle outside Tokyo.              dining restaurants.                 BS in response.
             These will rub shoulders with Indian   Take the pani puri guy at Kailash Parbat   Eater trapped in yesteryear: This eater
          railway omelettes, the paper  dosa  in   instinctively calibrating the flavours of   is  fixated  on  the  one  way  this  dish  was
          Mettupalayam,  fried fish and toddy on   the  pani  to  suit  the  khatta/meetha/teekha   made by someone else a long time ago
          the Kerala coast, and some of the usual   tastes of the people arrayed around his   by your mother, a little known restaurant
          Bombay suspects − Coronation Durbar, Bade   handi, responsive and decisive because he   in  Provence  or  Tuscany,  or  your  then
          Miya, Sarvi’s, Anantashram, Sindhudurg. I’ll   can see the next wave of eaters salivating   girlfriend  in  San  Francisco.  Leave  your
          share our Michelin discoveries – the      and chomping at the bit. Ditto   backstory behind. Or go back in a time
          good, the bad and the ugly. We are        Mucchad  Paanwala,  the  God  of   machine. Food always tastes better in your
          obsessed with ratings – does it have      betel leaves and magic, catering to   memory, than it ever did on the plate.
          a ‘mere’ one star, or three? Does         the stream of high-end cars lined   What you remember is the total experience
          Robert Parker rate that wine 95.8 or 96.2?  up late at night. Even if you just ask for a   of “that meal”, the company, the aromas,
             Does the food match up with the   meetha paan, you are in for an experience.  the colours, the  sounds…and  that can’t
          ratings? Are ratings tainted?         And herein lies the rub. The chef brings   ever be replicated. Look instead to today’s
             We found that good food resides in the   his game face. What does the eater bring to   experience, and if it’s great, it will be
          soul of the chef, and the best ones (even   the table? At the very least, a good appetite   hardwired in your memory. McLuhan said
          Gordon Ramsay), have a heart, humility,   and an open adventurous mind are essential.  it best ‘the past went that-away.’
          and are full of  grace. They  opened their   Don’t go out to eat, if your headspace   Preoccupied Eater: He is so buffeted
          hearts to Mina, once they saw that she knew   is full of dogma, or diets.   by his life that he does not care about
          her food, and was seriously inquisitive.  But is there a way of eating that   what he is eating. Turn off your phone!
             I am no chef. So, what do I bring to the   completes the circle?    The world will still be waiting, the markets
          table? Quite simply, I am a good eater. And   Here  are  some  ways  NOT  to  eat   will recover, your boss will be getting his
          let me unpack what that means.     when you go out.                    comeuppance.  Wake  up  and  smell  the
             What makes a good eater?           Eater as critic: If your opinions are   roses. This meal is the best thing that
             We’re all into evaluating chefs, rating   good enough, get someone to publish   happened to you today – you deserve it,
          them, critiquing them. That’s only 50% of   them. But spare the creator of the food the   please enjoy it.
          the equation. For a chef to exist, there must                             Great chefs tell us that they respect the
          be eaters. That’s the other 50%. We know                               ingredients they use, and they respect the
          what the chef must bring to the table. But                             people for whom they cook. Respect is a
          what about us eaters? What’s our role?                                 two-way street. We owe respectful eating
             There must be a collaboration between                               to the people who cook for us. Chefs, and
          the person who cooks, and the person who                               yes, our wives.
          eats. Cooking is one of the most nurturing   benefit of your infinite wisdom, and the   Mindful eating
          acts in the world. What is more primal than   sting of your barbs.        I am learning the art of eating mindfully,
          creating food? What is more visceral than   We’re really not as smart as we think we   of eating meditation. The slower I eat, the
          eating and enjoying food?          are – no one is.                    more I relish the food. I’m beginning to
             It’s a time-worn cliché that the best chefs   Eater as expert is only a more subtle   recognise the ingredients, the flavours and
          put themselves on the plate. Of course, you   version – if you were that good, you’d   their interplay. I’ve learned that it’s possible
          are presented with a bill at the end of the   be the one cooking. Please don’t try to   to eat with all my senses, even if sometimes
          meal, but it’s more than a transaction. It is   show off your skill,  gyaan, and technical   the food drips all down my shirtfront.
          an act of creation – and a good chef is only   virtuosity. Check your ego at the door. You   It’s not been easy, there is an ongoing
          happy if you have a great experience.  didn’t go to chef school. You might have   battle between the mindless glutton in me,
             The best chefs stand at the pass and   flunked if you have been.    and the mindful gourmet. I’ll get there.
          check each plate as it goes out. Every plate   Talk to the chef, to learn more about her   We just need to be present, as we
          with uneaten food goes straight from the   intent and practice.        eat. Engage, connect, be stirred, even be
          table for the chef to scrutinise. What was   Tell him what you liked and didn’t. Give   enraged, dive in, above all, don’t tune out.
          sent back? Why?                    her input, as an eater who enjoys food,   It’s a collaboration. The question shifts
             When these chefs do the walk around   and she’ll love it. Chefs love to chat about   from ‘Show  me what you’ve  got’  or  the
          and chat people up, it’s not just PR, this is a   their food. They yearn for real input, and   obnoxious ‘I’ve paid, so  impress me’; to
          painter surveying the canvas, assessing how   questions that come from a sincere place,   ‘I’m here. I’m ready. Let’s have fun’.
          to make it great.                  from an eater’s heart. A good chef listens   And you will.

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