Page 105 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 105


          Fish & Peanut Porridge,  steaming hot  sui
          mai, rice cakes with fish sauce and strong   Seafood Tower
                                              at One-Ninety
          black coffee, I was off to indulge in some
          green therapy at Gardens by the Bay. Not
          something you can afford to miss, even if
          nature is not your thing! Then again, how
          could it not be!
             Spanning 260 acres, this “greenhouse”
          welcomes you with a refreshing spray
          of cool rain in its waterfall before you
          head on to explore its  Cloud Forest,  its
          magnificent  Flower  Dome,  Supertree Grove
          and  audiovisuals  which  can  keep  you
          mesmerised. All while you get an aerial view
          while traipsing along the lengthy OCBC
          Skyway, suspended between two supertrees,
          giving you the feeling of being on top of the
          world, within a cooled conservatory, with
          HD air around. Architectural marvels do
          not cease to amaze in Singapore! So too the
          food, especially the Chinese and Japanese
          fare, more so the former.
             While the Michelin-starred  Nobu
          awaited – an exclusive Four Seasons entrant
          in 2022 – with its Zen outdoor garden and
          private show kitchen dining, it was Jiang-
          Nan Chun that had me wanting for more
          (more on that later). That said, do do the
          Weekend Brunch at Nobu, and laze back with a
          champagne, some sake and sushi embellished
          with the finest of caviar and chunks of
          avocado. The  Black  Cod  Miso and the
          Mushroom Toban Yaki, and ah yes, the Steak
          Toban Yaki are must-haves here, especially
          the beef! The  Nobu  Style  Cheesecake with
          fresh raspberry is a delight and just right to
          set you off on a little siesta. You know the
          saying, something to the effect of, ‘rest goes
          astray when on a vacay’…applied here, for I
          was on adrenaline; after all, I was on work!
          So, off to some sightseeing, shopping and
          more walking, I went!              in Singapore, South East Asia if you may.   along the Singapore River on the Fullerton
             The cultural hotspot known as Little   It still stands strong, running through the   Hotel side of the pier, over the Esplanade
          India beckoned, with its sights and sounds,   night with everything under one roof, across   Bridge. The light drizzle makes it all so
          and familiar smells from crowded streets   four levels. You haven’t been to Singapore   pleasant to experience though the dull skies
          – albeit far cleaner than our own – and   if you haven’t been to Mustafa Shopping   do add a touch of murk in the air. That’s
          South Indian foods with  Punjabi fare  to   Centre. Just one of those things you have   Singapore  for  you,  and  I  went  on  about
          complement. You could stop by for a DIY   to do! Like pose by the Merlion, the mascot   my day as a tourist, spotting little cafés by
          pani puri and a chai at Kailash Parbat like I   of Singapore, the fabled creature with the   the kerb and nooks dotted with art and
          did and get your fix of knickknacks off local   head of a lion and the body of a merman.   walls with graffiti, and tall scrapers, mega
          shops and steals galore from where else but   Stand by the white statue that spouts   malls and CBDs juxtaposed with charming
          Mustafa – the once ruling shopping centre   water from its mouth all day long, and walk   shophouses that typify the Peranakan

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