Page 121 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 121


                                              Like mother like
                                              daughter, Subrata and

           The ingredients needed to make
           the 13 rasams

          tin, and the vessel will melt right there on   time consuming shoots. I had to do it   Subrata, in an instant, jotted down the 35
          the stove if not correctly used.   with the respect and care it deserved. And   rasams she can make, in Telugu
             What I was blown over was that Amma   you know what? By the end of it, Amma
          had  been  labouring  over  this  assignment   was thanking me most profusely. She was
          for two days. At her age! Taking out   most worried that I was working so hard.
          the ingredients, measuring them, cleaning   She told Preethi she was appreciative
          them, roasting  some, powdering others.   about my dedication (which was merely
          Not in an electric processor, but in a stone   jumping up and down a low stool,
          mortar  pestle.  The  cutting  and  chopping   adjusting  the  light,  wiping  a  stain  here,
          (more  like breaking and  tearing), would   a  spill  there  and  perhaps  washing  my
          happen  on  the  same morning,  not  the   hands often enough to click on the camera
          previous  evening  – greens  and  vegetables   button!). Amma wouldn’t listen to me
          lose their freshness overnight. So what do   when I kept repeating that it was I and
          you think she did? She woke up at 3 am to   the UpperCrust readers who had to thank
          start the pre-preps and then around 6 am   her for her time, effort, love and devotion
          started the cooking. By the time we arrived   to the art of making a good  rasam! She
          at 11 am, she was at the door, all bathed   would have none of it. Instead she shooed   accompanied by the pickles she had made
          and dressed in her pretty Kanjivaram   us away to wash our hands and face, so   in the summer: ginger which tastes like
          sari, flowers in her hair, diamonds in her   we could come and eat the  upma she   raw mango.
          ears, nose, neck, gold bangles making   would prepare for us, after we were done   As for the rasams, believe me, no two
          that lovely soft sound  you associate with   with the tasting of all the 13 rasams.  rasams tasted the same! How can that
          women of yore.                        You know what? It was the most   be? But it was. And one was better than
             It was among my most emotional and   delectable  upma  I have ever  eaten   the other.

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