Page 126 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 126


                                                         This rasam has great       Tomato Rasam
                                                 medicinal value; for stomach
                                                 ache, stomach infection and         (Thakkali)
                                                       worms in the stomach
                                                                                    • 3 tomatoes • 2.5 tsp sambar
                                                                                    powder • 1/4 tsp asafoetida • 2
                                                                                    green chillies, slit • 1/2 tsp turmeric
                                                                                    powder • gooseberry-sized ball of
                                                                                    tamarind • 1/4 cup cooked toor dal
                                                                                    • coconut milk from 2 tbsp freshly
                                                                                    grated coconut • salt to taste
                                                                                    For tempering
                                                                                    • fresh coriander leaves • ghee for
                                                                                    tempering • 1 tsp mustard seeds
                                                                                    • 1/2 tsp cumin seeds • a pinch of
                                                                                    asafoetida • 2 green chillies, slit

                                                                                    Extract tamarind pulp and add 2
                                                                                    cups of water to it. Bring this to
                                                                                    boil for about 3-4 minutes along
                                                                                    with chopped tomatoes, turmeric
                                                                                    powder, sambar powder, asafoetida,
                                                                                    salt and slit green chillies till the raw
                                                                                    smell of tamarind goes away.
                                                                                    Add the cooked toor dal to this
                                                                                    mixture and also the fresh coconut
                                                                                    Add 2 cups of water and bring
                                                                                    it to a slight boil till it begins to
                                                                                    froth. Remove from flame and add
           Neem Flower Rasam (Vepampoo)                                             coriander leaves.
                                                                                    Heat ghee for tempering.
           Ingredients                        To this, add salt, green chillies, red chilli,   To this, add mustard seeds, cumin
           • 2 tsp neem flower • 1 gooseberry-sized   asafoetida and sambar powder.  seeds, green chillies and asafoetida.
           tamarind ball • 2 green chillies, slit   Boil it well for 2 minutes till the raw smell   Pour this over the hot rasam.
           • 1 dried red chilli • 1/8 tsp asafoetida   of tamarind goes away.
           • 1/2 tsp sambar powder • salt to taste   Heat ghee in a pan. When hot, temper
           • jaggery as per taste             with mustard seeds, asafoetida, chana                     The most
           For tempering                      dal, toor dal, fenugreek seeds, curry               popular rasam.
           • 2 sprigs curry leaves • 2 green chillies,   leaves, green chillies and red chilli.      Offered to a
           slit • 1 dried red chilli • a pinch of   Pour this into the rasam, add jaggery         child who turns
           asafoetida • 1/8 tsp fenugreek seeds   and let it boil for a minute.                     one year old.
           • 1/2 tsp mustard seeds • 1 tsp toor dal   Again, heat the ghee in a pan.                 Proving that
           • 1/4 tsp chana dal • ghee for tempering  Sauté the neem flowers in the ghee over      this rasam is so
                                              a slow flame patiently till it turns brown           safe that even
           Method                             and you get a nice aroma of the neem                 a child can eat
           In a cooking pot, boil the extracted   flowers.                                        it with rice and
           tamarind pulp by adding 4 cups of   Pour this over the rasam and close the            dollops of ghee
           water.                             lid of the vessel.

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