Page 123 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 123


            Gooseberry Rasam


            • 6 gooseberry or star gooseberry
            (depending on availability), de-
            seeded • 1 tsp peppercorns • 1
            tsp cumin seeds • 2 tomatoes • 1
            marble-sized tamarind ball •1/4 tsp
            turmeric powder • 3-4 green chillies
            • 1/4 cup toor dal, cooked • jaggery
            as per taste • salt to taste • 1/6 tsp
            asafoetida • 1-2 sprig curry leaves
            For tempering
            • 2 dried red chillies • 1/4 tsp
            mustard seeds

            Grind the gooseberry, peppercorns,
            cumin seeds and tomatoes into a
            In a pot, cook the tamarind extract
            along with salt, turmeric, curry
            leaves, asafoetida and green chillies
            for 2-3 minutes till the raw smell
            of tamarind goes off. Now add the
            gooseberry paste. Once it begins to
            boil, add the cooked toor dal.
            (Note: gooseberry shouldn’t be
            boiled for a longer duration). Add 2   Lentil Ball Rasam (Paruppu Urandai)
            cups of water, jaggery and cook till it
            becomes frothy.                  Ingredients                         Make small balls out of the ground lentils
            Switch off the flame.            • 1/4 cup chana dal • 1/4 cup toor dal   and place them on the idli plates. Steam
            Temper this rasam with mustard   • 2 dried red chillies • gooseberry-sized   these balls in a steamer for 5 minutes.
            seeds and dried red chillies in ghee.   tamarind ball • 1.5 tsp sambar powder   In a cooking pot, boil the tamarind
            Cover the pot with a lid.        • 1/4 tsp asafoetida • 1/4 tsp turmeric   extract in water. Add sambar powder,
                                             powder • salt to taste • 1 tomato   asafoetida, salt and turmeric powder.
                                             • fresh coriander leaves for garnishing  Add tomato pulp and three cups of
                                             For tempering                       water to this.
                                             • 2 tsp ghee • 1/2 tsp mustard seeds   Boil well for nearly 5 minutes till the raw
                                             • 1.5 tsp pepper + cumin powder     smell of tamarind goes away.
                                             • a pinch of asafoetida             Now add the lentil balls one by one
                                                                                 slowly to the boiling rasam for a minute.
                                             Method                              When the balls start floating to the top,
                                             Wash and soak the two lentils for at   switch off the flame.
                                             least a couple of hours. Drain the water.  Garnish with coriander leaves.
                                             Grind the soaked lentils coarsely without   For tempering, heat ghee in a pan.
                                             adding water along with salt, asafoetida   Add mustard seeds, pepper + cumin
                                             and dried red chillies.             powder and asafoetida.
                                             Grease idli plates with a little oil.  Pour over the hot rasam.

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