Page 127 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 127


            Horsegram Rasam (Kollu)                                                        This rasam is high on
                                                                                   nutritional content, fibre. Very
            Ingredients                        be used for making horsegram (kollu)   strengthening. Especially good
            • 1/2 cup cooked horsegram • 1 lemon-  sundal or thogayal.           for those who workout in gyms
            sized tamarind ball • 2 tomatoes,   Grind pepper, cumin seeds, dried red
            chopped • 2 tsp oil • 1/2 tsp mustard   chillies and 2 tsp of cooked horsegram
            seeds • 1/4 tsp cumin seeds • 2 dried   into a coarse paste.
            red chillies • 2 green chillies • 1/4 tsp   In a cooking pan, heat oil. Add mustard
            asafoetida • 2 sprigs curry leaves • 1/4   seeds, cumin seeds, asafoetida, dried red
            tsp turmeric powder • salt to taste   chillies, green chillies and curry leaves.
            • fresh coriander leaves for garnishing  Add the coarsely ground paste and
            To grind into a paste              sauté for a couple of minutes.
            • 1/2 tsp pepper • 1/2 tsp cumin seeds    Now add turmeric powder, chopped
            • 2 dried red chillies • 2 tsp cooked   tomatoes and salt. Sauté for another
            horsegram                          couple of minutes.
                                               To this, add tamarind extract along with
            Method                             1 cup of water. Boil for a minute or two.
            Wash horsegram thoroughly. Soak for   Now add the preserved horsegram
            at least 1 hour. Pressure cook using 4   water and cook till a frothy layer
            cups of water, for 4-5 whistles. Drain   appears on top.
            the water and preserve for preparing   Switch off the flame and garnish with
            the rasam. The cooked horsegram can   fresh coriander leaves.

            Dill Seeds Rasam (Sathakuppai)                                      For tempering

                                                                                • 1/2 tsp mustard seeds • a pinch of
            Ingredients                       • 1 gooseberry-sized tamarind ball   asafoetida • ghee for seasoning
            • dill seeds • 1 tsp coriander seeds  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder • 1/2 tsp
            • 3/4 tsp peppercorns             asafoetida                        Method
            • 4-5 dried red chillies          • jaggery as per taste            In a pan, dry roast dill seeds, coriander
            • 1 sprig curry leaves • 1 tsp toor dal   • salt to taste           seeds, peppercorns, dried red chillies,
                                                                                curry leaves and toor dal till you get
                                                 This rasam is good to treat    a nice aroma. Coarsely grind these
                                               PCOD and menstrual cramps.       roasted ingredients to a powder.
                                                 It’s rich in calcium and iron,   In a cooking pot, extract the tamarind
                                              therefore good for the bones.     pulp using 1 cup of water.
                                             It is also used to treat hay fever   Add to this asafoetida, turmeric
                                                             and body ache      powder and salt, and boil for 3-4
                                                                                minutes till the raw smell of tamarind
                                                                                goes away.
                                                                                Add the coarse spice powder and boil
                                                                                for another 2 minutes.
                                                                                Add jaggery and 4 cups of water, and
                                                                                boil till it starts to get frothy. At this
                                                                                point, switch off the flame.
                                                                                In a tempering pan, heat the ghee.
                                                                                Add mustard seeds and asafoetida.
                                                                                Add this seasoning to the rasam.

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