Page 144 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 144


           Sozo                                                                   Chef Parvez Khan

           02, JP Rd, Aram Nagar Part 2,
           Versova, Andheri West,
           Mumbai 400061
           Mob: 0 98679 86481
           Meal for two: Approximately Rs1500 +
           taxes, without alcohol

           Travel to Japan with this modern eatery
           which combines izakaya dining with fast
           food eating in a homely atmosphere.
           Versova plays host to Sozo, the 1200 sq.   Veg Maki Sushi Roll
           ft. restaurant by Chef Parvez Khan –
           ex-Wasabi and Wakai – with a large red   and a  Thai Green Curry with beetroot
           glossy wall and a mirror that makes you   rice and a mango salsa; Ramen makes a
           stop  and  stare!  A  shoji-inspired  ceiling   hit, done traditionally well, and the Veg
           –  that  paper  screen  door/divider  –  and   Maki Sushi Roll presents creamy avocado
           wood mouldings naturally formed give   with a splash of spicy mayo. The classic
           you a sense of what you can expect at   Gyoza comes in a variety that you should   – and here, it’s served promptly through
           Sozo. What of the food?            keep sufficient space for when dining at   an intuitive DIY-ordering system. Tap tap
             ‘Express comfort izakaya’ is how they   Sozo. Rest assured, with Chef Parvez, each   and your food is ready!
           define the fare. Juicy Sozo Baoger are bao   dish is prepared with the highest quality   Sozo also serves you frappes with boba
           burgers on offer, like the Schezwan Chicken   ingredients sourced from Japan. He tends   to kombucha, and a dessert menu which
           and the Softshell Crab. Flavourful Donburi   to bring his experience from the region   serves up some Black Rice Pudding and a
           Bowls  include  the  Chicken  Katsu Curry   to his plates – Wakai was a case in point   Wasabi Punch flavoured ice-cream.

                                              Flury’s                            sitting in the flagship Flury’s on Park Street
           Heritage Rum Ball                                                     during the Durga Puja festival years ago,
                                                                                 when the city is at its peak, and forking into
                                              26, PJ Ramchandani Marg, Apollo    the strawberry cube pastry and its heritage
                                              Bandar, Near Gateway of India,     coffee. While the seaside venue of Bombay,
                                              Colaba, Mumbai 400001              with a sublime view of the Arabian Sea, is
                                              Mob: 0 70203 28892                 far from the cosy café that remains one of
                                              Meal for two: Approximately  Rs600 +   Calcutta’s landmarks, a Flury’s is a Flury’s.
                                              taxes, without alcohol             Historic – founded in 1927 by the Swiss
                                                                                 couple, the J Flurys – and delightful in its
                                              Need we  say  more!  It’s the  entrance of   chicken sandwiches, milkshakes and rum
                                              this Calcutta icon in SoBo, near Gateway   balls... They have cocktails, too, and main
                                              of India, a tearoom that has stood the test   courses, if you wish to go all out.
                                              of time. Now don’t be confused with the   The Rose Macaron is a milkshake that
                                              other  Flury’s  cafés  you  would  have  seen   will fill you up nicely and the egg and
                                              across the city. While it’s the same brand,   mustard sandwich is a comforting snack. If
                                              this one is Bombay’s first tearoom, flown in   you’re looking to start the day at Flury’s,
                                              straight from Calcutta, for aficionados and   their  English  breakfast  stays  intact,  with
                                              novices alike to partake of, with abandon.   two sunny side up eggs, grilled sausages,
                                                 It’s  nothing  short  of  nostalgia  that   sautéed mushrooms, crispy bacon, hash
                                              hits you when you enter into the café-  browns and toast with a side of baked
                                              typified space, with neat wooden interiors   beans. A seaside café in the city, Flury’s at
                                              and fuschia as its theme colour. We recall   that, Bombayites are a happy lot!

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