Page 161 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
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          Soba Sassy

          1st Floor, Harrington Mansion, 8,
          Ho Chi Minh Sarani, Kolkata 700071
          Mob: 0 89811 14441
          Meal for two: Approximately Rs 2500 +
          taxes, without alcohol

          Nearly a year before 'Barbiecore' was a thing
          Soba Sassy got all Aerosmith meets Elle Woods
          on the city’s diners and tickled them ‘pink’.
          The Asian gastropub described its bipolar
          personalities in its name with Soba leading
          to the more sober side of the restaurant and
          Sassy  being  all  about  opulent  over-the-top
          décor. A pink room with a neon sign that   spritzer were to have a baby, it would be called   sweet flavours of  kecap manis  (sweet soy
          asks diners to “kiss my sass” catches the eye   For Sake's Sake − a lovely chardonnay, sake and   sauce) chilli and garlic topped with a crisp
          with baby pink and magenta upholstery and   Rose and cherry-flavoured cocktail that makes   fried egg. The Thai Shrimp Rice with Chicken
          modern red chandeliers. In another section,   for the perfect aperitif. We sipped on it as we   Ribbons was another yum meal in a bowl with
          the  comparatively  restrained  teal  and  tan   tucked into the Charcoal Chicken Dimsum in   spicy shrimp fried rice and slivers of chicken
          pleather upholstery are set off with a giant   Red Curry. Juicy melt-in-the-mouth Dim sums   cutlet, wafers and crunchy salad. Stomach
          flower-bedecked  wall  and  drop  lights that   in a luscious red curry gravy is the kind of   nicely padded, we decided to linger over
          look almost floral in their design. Tropical-  fever dream of jhol momos that fuse Chinese   one more cocktail before ordering dessert.
          themed  upholstery  and  a  massive  cherry   and Thai flavours that gastronomes live for.   The Miso Sassy, with tahini butter fat-washed
          blossom ceiling installation add more sass.   The sushis, too, bring big familiar flavours   whisky with miso, house-made cordial and
             But enough about the what about the   and we loved the Philadelphia Salmon Roll   seltzer was one worth savouring.
          food and beverage? Being a gastropub, Soba   which combines the universally popular   We ended with one of the best Flourless
          Sassy is known for its inventive cocktails and   cream cheese salmon duo. From the mains,   Chocolate Tortes  ever. Fudgy and intensely
          they were the first in the city to use sake and   we loved the simple but well-made  Nasi   chocolatey, the cake, though served with
          soju in cocktails. If  sake and a white wine   Goreng. The Indonesian fried rice has subtly   caramel ice-cream, was decadent by itself.

          Oudh 1590                          is replicated as a pattern on the tableware.
                                             Some of their nostalgic décor accents, like
                                             portraits of Kathak dancers and wood and
          23 B, Deshapriya Park, Opposite    gold  trunks,  remain.  The  playlist,  too,
          Carmel School, Kolkata 700026      thankfully sticks to their old genre and
          Mob: 0 76040 35764                 Ghulam Ali gently crooned Ranjish hi Sahi
          Meal for two: Approximately R1500 +   when we tucked into our Yakhni Pulao.
          taxes, no alcohol                     We began our meal with  Tandoori
                                             Jhinga which we paired with a tall glass of
          Oudh 1590’s  first-ever restaurant  in   Aam Khaas. Succulent savoury prawns with          Murgh Kali Mirch
          Calcutta has gone through a makeover and   moreish charring round the edges along with
          now sports a bright new look. Gone are the   a refreshing glass of raw mango sherbet was   been on the new menu. The yakhni would be
          ochre walls and the dark wooden accents.   just the right note to begin on. Murgh Kali   ideal for those who want to skip the spice of
          Checkered floors and bright chandeliers   Mirch came next, and it was a well-balanced   regular biryani, though it is on the sweeter
          are now set off with gleaming cream walls   savoury chicken kebab. For mains, we tried   side, so it may be a tad polarising.
          and arches. The beautiful brass crockery   both their Murgh Yakhni Pulao and Gosht   Also new on the desserts are a range of
          that was a signature has now been replaced   Tehri. The tehri, an offbeat spicy meat and   kulfi flavours and a yummy zarda – a rich
          with customised ceramic flatware. The   rice dish, has become one of our favourites   sweet rice-based dessert loaded with khoya,
          filigreed arch on the façade of the restaurant   from the restaurant in the short time it has   raisins and cashew nuts.

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