Page 163 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 163


          Analogue                           philosophy of wholesome good food is fresh
                                             and inviting. Start off with Freddie belting out
                                             Another One Bites the Dust as you sip on the
          House No. 1259/2 & 1259/3, 1A,     Feisty Nonna, grandma’s chilli pickle-infused
          Gaonwadi, Behind Anamiva Hotel,    tequila with coriander and honey. Every sip
          Anjuna, Goa 403509                 regales the sharp notes close to Freddie's
          Mob: 0 82373 92976                 octave with a freshly baked crostini topped
          Meal for two: Approximately R2200   with fresh  Mozzarella slices, finished with
          + taxes, without alcohol           sizzling anchovy butter. For the herbivores,
                                             the Toasted Farmer's Bread with olive oil, with
          "Ain’t no mountain high enough to keep me from   sun-dried tomato paste spread on it, topped
          getting to you babe," the iconic lyrics sung by   with Bocconcini cheese, garnished with basil
          Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell play on the   is a must-have. Do sample the moist ground
          vinyl crackle as one enters the glass abode.   textures of the Beef Adana Kebabs, tender and
          Welcome to Analogue Bar & Kitchen, nestled   succulent pieces of beef served over a piping
          up the hill behind Anamiva in Anjuna. The   hot naan.
          dynamic duo of Ketan Shivendra Sinh Gohel   Sit back and relax as the vibe transitions
          and Vansh Dang have created a haven for   from a late lunch to an early sundowner with   crispy bacon. In conversation, one will love
          music lovers paired with unpretentious food   the inviting pool ahead for company. Vansh   to hear about his passion for Italian cuisine
          and a simplistic bar menu that doesn’t try too   takes a break from his station and transitions   and an impish chuckle produces a piping hot
          hard. The multi-decked establishment is all   to some Motown funk at the console.   classic pepperoni thin-crust pizza with stringy
          centred on the ‘altar’ of vinyl and turntable   Passing by, a point check is addressed with   Mozzarella. Have place for the mains, try the
          with artistic wood-carved audio speakers   his signature Drunken Monkey concoction:   Cacio e Pepe – al dente spaghetti tossed with
          that belt out soul-stirring beats. The setup   chocolate-infused gin, banana sweet   freshy ground pepper and cheese.
          is minimal and fresh, Vansh doubles up as   vermouth and orange liqueur. A perfect   Leave room for the Nama Tart – decadent
          a mixologist and DJ spinning his magic in   resting drink paired with Ketan's finger   nama filling, chocolate sable, hazelnut and
          every offering at the bar. Ketan’s refreshing   food. Loaded fries with Cheddar laced with   chocolate crumble.

          The Offwhite                       Navelim has another culinary feather in the   soirees. With feels of the Agean Sea and
                                             neighbourhood. Arati & Dileep Menon bring
                                                                                 cobbled foothpaths, cues from the terraces of
                                             to gastronomes The Offwhite. Sprawled across   Mykanos, one can happily get lost in capturing
          4th Floor, Sitara Building,        the 4th and 5th floor of the commercial Sitara   images for the Gram. Start off with the Grain
          Colmorod, Navelim, Sanscar         Building,  one  enters  a  beautifully  curated   Mustard Fish Fillet, fresh catch of the day.
          Society, Madgaon, Goa 403707       space by Arati who has a penchant for all   Carry through with the Mutton Nalupu Pulao
          Mob: 0 87678 11778                 things chic in design and art. The ethereal   with Paya. A hot steaming bowl of paya is the
          Meal for two: Approximately R2300 +   macrame feel of the artifacts, the cute curios   accompaniment but is a meal in itself. It's best
          taxes, with alcohol                adorning the walls and ledges from their   had followed by the melting mutton morsels
                                             travel,  the  earthy  textures  and  soft  light   amidst flavoured pulao. An encouraged hack
                                             arresting the mural wall of an alleyway in the   would be to reserve a table a day prior and
                                             Mediterranean, this spot is more a personal   book yourself a dish from Chef’s Speciality
                                             dining area than a commercial establishment.   Menu.  The  Beef Bourguignon  is  clinical  in
                                                As one glances through the roof-to-floor   execution. From the tempered meat to the
                                             windows at the fields in the distant, Chef   jus in accompaniment, it's par excellence in
                                             Santosh Kumar Salapu explains the ethos   its simplicity and audaciously bold in all its
                                             behind his cuisine. With a vast repertoire   flavours. Slowly cooked for four hours, it
                                             ranging from Continental and global fare,   does pay off with this meticulous offering.
                                             they make no bones in their precisive focus   For the sweet tooth, the freshly baked
                                             on what’s on offer. Settle in and explore   chocolate chip cookie with ice-cream is highly
                                             the upper deck catering to parties and get   recommended,  and  has  an eggless  option,
                                             together with an independent kitchen with   too. Alongside, order the sinful  Rose and
                                             a sprawling patio deck for those evening   Pistachio Tres Leches. You can thank us later.

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